
(Reader: Victor) Enlightenment is Easy



Reader Post | By Victor

Enlightenment is the easiest thing to do because there is nothing to do. But to do nothing is the hardest thing to do because you can not do nothing. You have to be “Nothing”.

Many sages and Buddhas have come and gone for thousands of years. Many people have died and they never “knew ENLIGHTENMENT. Even Jesus has come to tell you about it and Mohamed has come and so many 

religions world wide have been created to seek “Enlightenment”.

Now the term Enlightenment is an easter term that people of the west do not understand. They were programmed to the word “Salvation”and they all seek that as the answer to “Death”….which is the only reason Enlightenment is ever sought or salvation is sought or “God” is prayed to in order so… “you” from the eventual death of the body.

So ….even though “Enlightenment/Salvation/prayer”….have all been sought and are still presently being sought by everyone alive….”NO ONE GETS IT”….or….”They do not reach the peace that those ideas promise….WHY?….Why is that?…What is so hard and elusive that countless Buddhas have come to explain it and Christ was killed for talking about it….not to mention many crucified  followers and many crusades later and wars all …”over” ….”the fear of death”.

Everyone says that they are afraid of death or the end of the body….YET?….they gladly Kill the messengers and those who do not believe in the answers to death if it does not align with their own mental illness ideas about the answers. I say mental illness because if they had the goods they would be killing others over it. Kind of the epitome of hypocrisy for such a noble cause as Salvation or Enlightenment or Knowing God.

I will try to explain where so many have seemed to have failed before. Do I expect any other results than those sages that went before.?….No …I do not. Why?….I can explain that also but later if there is time in this opinion piece. My specialty is “Enlightenment”…because that is what I sought. I did not seek “Salvation”…I am familiar with it and walked it occasionally for a while but it dod not work for me. Even though it appears similar to Enlightenment there is a large distinction in both quests. The main distinction is an intellectual one but with huge distinctions that do matter, so  it is important to understand the context.  The context of Salvation is one of where the person is seeking but with the help of “another”…such as Jesus.




In Enlightenment….you do not seek with the help of an “intermediary” in your quest to defeat the “fear of death”. Because in this path you are actually calling the bluff on “the idea of death”….So you have to be willing to die to the death idea and do that all alone. It is much harder ….imo,,,or not? Because Enlightenment is the easiest thing to …”BE”….and impossible to “DO”….which is really the fulcrum point to understand and why sages have been crucified and the messages “ignored”….since no massive change in the human consciousness seems to manifest beyond a few wild cards escaping the “Matrix”. Such as myself who try to share the message which tends to be rendered on the ground by those with full cups.

Why is Enlightenment the easiest thing to “BE”?…..Because you are already “IT”…You already have it and do not know it. Enlightenment or GOD Consciousness….is not hidden, it is just NOT NOTICED. That is why talking or writing about it is so hard and why ‘NO ONE WAKES UP”….by those effort alone and they are still waiting for Jesus to save them. Waiting does not work because YOU HAVE TO DO IT… one else can do it for you.

The thing to see is that in either or all paths to Enlightenment or salvation or God…is that there really are no paths to get what you already …”ARE”….This is why I woke up when I understood the words….”NOTHING HAS HAPPENED”….Which speaks directly to Enlightenment or GOD CONSCIOUSNESS…..because you already are “IT”….YOU ARE ALREADY CONSCIOUS…..are you not? YOU know that you are here right? You’re not dead yet if you are reading this “Right Now”…

IN ….”RIGHT NOW”….because that is what GOD CONSCIOUSNESS IS… is this now. This….”NOW”…IS YOU…..but “you” never notice it because your mind says that  …..THAT …very present moment is a small experience of being “trapped”inside a human body that will someday “die”…and then YOU say….that YOU will die also. Those are all mind ideas and concepts that block pure perception of who you are now and that is this conscious “Beingness”…which we already are but say that is not it….So then everyone looks for in the mind realm of dreams to find more ideas only….failing to see the that THEY ARE IT.

This is the “trick” to waking up TO…. ENLIGHTENMENT….noticing the present NOW. IF you stay silent….which is the main point needed here because …”your mind “…is the problem that prevents “you”….from knowing the real…”YOU”….or GOD CONSCIOUSNESS. In silence….the mind is not “commenting”…or talking in your name. So what is that silence? YOU ARE THAT SILENCE….THE AWARENESS…..How is that hard to find?….You are it all the time but its covered over by bs mind ideas that got you chasing snipe.

When you notice the NOW….then ….EVERYTHING IS YOU…..or YOU can only say about it that…..”I AM” ?….”I AM”…….That is all that …YOU…..IS HERE. That is the whole AWAKENING….or….YOU ARE HERE…..But that realization….no Jesus….no Buddha….no Mojamed or not even GOD….CAN GIVE TO “YOU”…because “YOU ALREADY ARE YOU”…..That is why…”NOTHING HAS EVER HAPPENED”….to “YOU”.How can you be given what you are and already have and who would be giving it to YOU that is outside of YOU?….See?

This means that the human mind or “MIND”….is the problem. There are really not many minds at all ….there is only ONE MIND….or that is the DREAM OF CREATION….or the dream that you are a “separate person”….in a physical world of an objective solid creation….that tells you what to do and controls you “life and death”….which is really the “grand illusion” or the “dream”…as I like to call it because it is just that…..a dream. Dreams create the ideas of many people that are seperate. GOD is dreaming being small and lacking in order to have an experience of everything. ….a silent absolute GOD unmanifested does not have duality experiences and only can by imagining through dreams…..and that is the seeming “you” in a world….fearing death and praying for help from death?….




MIND is the dream of YOU….imagining that you are a human stuck in a body that will die. That is the power of GOD OR INFINIT AWARENESS….So when GOD WAKES UP TO GOD?….That is ENLIGHTENMENT…..because there is no little “you” here ever. There is YOU IN THIS NOW HERE ALWAYS.

That is what Jesus or any avatar was always pointing to. To itself and how you find YOU. Its very simple when you stop thinking about it. Because again….the MIND will never understand consciousness…..because it can’t. Because MIND happens within GOD CONSCIOUSNESS OR ENLIGHTENMENT…..then GOD SEES THAT IT WAS ONLY DREAMING.


This NOW MOMENT… what YOU ARE……YOU ARE THE WHOLE THING…..So what do you have to do about your dreams?….NOTHING?…..Who was hurt in the dream?…..No one….since there is ….”NO ONE THERE”….”IN THIS NOW…BUT YOU”….

That is ENLIGHTENMENT AND SALVATION AND GOD CONSCIOUSNESS……EASY PEASY….RIGHT?….Sure it is….if “you”….as a dream person want to “wake up”….Well do you?….That is the Why of it all. The HOW ….is the topic of many bibles and books and prayers….but it really is not required at all. That SEEKING….is the “illusion” of there being a seperate “you person” being born in a solid objective world?…When nothing but a dream has happened and…..YOU ARE THE DREAMER…….YOU are not even GOD then. Because GOD is what manifests in a “creation” that was alway a dream by ….”YOU”….imagining a solid world.

Now who are >>>”YOU”<<<?….YOU CAN’T SAY!….except that …”I AM”….”I AM”…is all that can ever be said. ANY….more talking or thinking?…is MIND again continuing to DREAM….and you’re not in the DREAM EVER!….YOU CAN’T BE LIMITED BY DREAMS….Since…..”YOU ARE REALITY ITSELF”….So even ..”enlightenment”….is just more BS talking in a dream.

To know….YOU AS YOU….The mind has to be ignored and ” you will be”…OR DISCOVER ”YOU” there prior to ….”MIND COMMENTARY”…..Watch the short video….and if you’re excited about “waking up”…go and follow the calling of YOU to YOU…..Then keep digging because the mind is a little devil that will not give up ego control easy. It would rather crucify a sage than change and that has been proven over and over. Its all quit a dream with everything in it…even evil and suffering.

Dr. David Hawkins: You are the Infinite Field (

(4651) How Can the Ego Be Surrendered to God? – YouTube (Embed Unavailable)






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