
What is the Shift: A New Heaven and a New Earth



What is the Shift?

A New Heaven and a New Earth

It’s been prophesied in cultures throughout history, and known by many names; The Shift, The Event, Ascension to 5D, New Earth, Age of Aquarius, Shift of the Ages, Day of the Lord, and the Rapture.

It describes the end of a major cycle of time and the transition to a higher state of being for humanity, which will allow humans to exist as a galactic civilization and interact with advanced extraterrestrial races.

It’s not a literal solar flash, but will be triggered by a pulse of consciousness initiated by Galactic Federation at an unspecified moment. Pleiadians say that it will happen during the lifetimes of the generations alive now.

On a higher frequency, the moment has already happened, but we’ve yet to perceive it in our 3D reality. When it reaches our consciousness, everything will be changed forever.

What happens to this Earth?

“One shall be taken, one shall be left behind” is the common understanding, and this is basically how it will be. The people who are “left behind” won’t see millions of people die, they’ll experience millions of people disappearing in the blink of an eye.

There will be panic and fear in the minutes and hours following this. Pleiadians explain that all it will take is the perception of an ascension-type event to engage the higher self in a choice. If they can understand what has happened, and find the will to choose that for themselves, they can shift in an instant. Some people will shift within minutes. Others will take time to work it out. All it takes is a realization that there is Light that they can call on, whether they define it as God or anything else. Love is still in their heart chakra and can be activated.




At the Shift, much of the light will be gone and the Planet will suffer because it is also a living entity of consciousness. Many plants, trees and nature will die or become sick and withered. There will be discord and fighting.

No one will truly be left behind. Pleiadians will continue to assist until every Soul has shifted.

The dark entities will be the last to be removed, and the story of this Earth will be complete.

A New 3D Earth without Dark Forces

When the Shift occurs there will be a huge transmuting of energy and relocation of matter. The Earth and Universe we know now will be changed and rearranged but the history is Akashic and the Earth will be populated again by a new creation of human beings. The New Earth will begin expanding its new universe.

When the person left behind realizes that people ascended and that they too want to ascend, they won’t die but will instantly be in a density of non-physical, totally awake and aware, and they will be allowed to choose between Shifting to Sheen or starting over as these new humans born on the new Earth.

There will always be free will but this time there will be no dark forces manipulating humans in any way. The new 3D Earth will thrive and grow. There will be spiritual leaders. Pleiadians will look on these as their children in a way because they will teach them everything. The ones in Sheen will already know and be perfected.

These people will not start from nothing. Pleiadians will bring and teach technology, energy, transportation, self-reliance. They will be taken care of. Many starseeds who ascend will return to the New Earth and teach humans as it was done in ancient times. These humans will advance quickly without being held back.




These people will be given records of what happened on this Earth now. After many centuries, Sheen Earth will find a way to be in contact with the New Earth people and they will meet by travel.

Why would some choose to start over in 3D instead of ascending?

The Soul is choosing goals towards growth and experience. There are some who may have chosen darkness before, who will prefer to continue in a lower frequency before joining us in Sheen.

The Experience

At the moment Elder Ikai gives the signal, a gigantic portal will surround the entire planet, and each individual ascending human simultaneously. In a blink everything will be changed. New abilities will manifest instantly. We will have a crystalline based heart. We will be able to fly. Everyone will be physically youthful and healthy. Everyone will understand something wonderful has happened. It will be like waking from a dream.

The sky will change colors as portals open and crafts of all shapes and sizes appear out of portals. All around the world, triangular quartz crystals, 200-300 feet tall, will rise from the ground and turn side to side. Crafts will land in designated areas and celebrations will commence. There will be public announcements and introductions, beginning with Ikai and our family of Taygeta.

No one will be separated from pets or loved ones. Nothing will be lost, and everything will be gained. Details of the world we remember could be somewhat different. We will be experiencing a reality without the history of manipulation by dark forces. It will be a perfected version of the Earth we know.

The new 5D Earth will be a galactic civilization. With Galactic Federation assistance, humans will travel to many extraterrestrial worlds. There will be new schools on Earth where star visitors will share advanced knowledge on many subjects. New understandings of crystals will transform human civilization. There will be new forms of art and music inspired by extraterrestrial cultures.

Humans will reunite with all departed love ones. All Souls will be known to each other. Friends, family, loves, and enemies will be remembered. We will have full access to our Akashic records and will have the ability to view any moment of Earth history. Detailed disclosure will be available on every topic, and new technology will be gifted to humans.

A short-term digital currency will transition Earth to a non-currency system. Technology will provide for every want or need. There will be barter and trade, and people can work to achieve more if they want. Most people will spend their time with hobbies and developing new talents. There will be no more death by disease or old age, and reincarnation will be done. Humans will continue having families and children. 5D Earth will thrive.

While in Sheen starseeds will begin to look more like their true higher selves. Incarnated Arcturians will look more Arcturian, Sirians will look more Sirian. Starseeds will remain in Sheen until they decide to return home, and will leave the physical body without death at the time of their choosing.


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