
(Reader: Victor) The Simplest and Most Powerful Meditation to Enlightenment



Reader Post | By Victor

Here is the simplest, most powerful meditation that anyone can do in any language and anywhere. You do not have to use your intellectual mind and study anything or go against your present beliefs and this conflicts with no religions. It is super easy and super effective to get you to the state of Enlightenment.

I have been searching for Enlightenment for about 50 years. That seems like a long time and maybe it is or is not? Because when you get to your life goal, you are successful. That lifts a huge burden on your life and it fixes all mistakes that you may have made. It does not matter if it takes 100 years? Since when you’re out of time because when you get out and…Time is irrelevant to YOU. 

I started when I was 20 to meditate. I have since in 50 years quit a handful of methods and stopped for years and then took it up again for years. I can save you all that time and heartache.

Just do this technique and you will go to the causal body level or the Enlightenment level or the Void as some call it the “Nothing” state. That gets you out of the matrix and almost to the God State. When you get out and get this far? You will know what to do since you will be your own teacher.

This is so great of a practice because a child can do it and because it quiets the mind. At the same time, it is a balanced practice since it touches the heart and keeps you in the heart state of Feeling or that is the state of AWARENESS.Then when you abide in that conscious state, you will heal your world because the healing is done by GOD in a sense or what you can also call SOURCE. 

When you reach the Causal state of Enlightenment then the unconscious mind is no longer manifesting trash and problems from your mind or actually also the whole collective MIND. Which results in the healing of your life and REALITY….because it is done for you from higher levels and not from your mind level that this practice cleans out.

This practice you can do with any present meditation practices that you are also doing. This is not trying to change anything in anyone but clean out the trash, which fixes that problem and smell. No matter your religion or age or life history and so called sins that have happened.This works for all.




So try it out as a gift to change yourself and the world. It will not hurt you and it’s free and it’s easy? All in less than 20 minutes of listening to the two explanation videos and then the third video is the practice you do. This is a tape with music and it will let you get a feel for it. 

But you do not have to play the tape all  the time?,,,You could if you like it. But just silently in your mind say to yourself the four words below. That is it. It can then be a walking, working or still meditation. Your choice and it’s fast, since you will be in an aware state for long periods of time as this practice heals the unconscious, which changes who you are by waking you up. 

Then when in time this will become a permanent state. You will be able to hold it and be it and that is Enlightenment. Yet every time you are doing the practice you are slightly touching that Enlightenment state because it’s a level thing….and you will be there. Chipping away.

YOU can not do this wrong. HERE IT IS……Just say…( “I LOVE YOU I AM SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, THANK YOU”)….

That is it. You just say it to yourself silently over and over while you do anything. You can do it for a short time or you can do it all day long. In no time it will soon run on it’s own in your mind in the background. It will be like a song that you love that just sings to you. it’s that easy….just let it go.

You can be walking the dog or washing dishes or sitting….and do the “cleaning practice”… So it is easy in that you always can make time for this and you do not have to sit down.,,,and you do not really at all,,,need more information on HOW TO DO THIS ?…..THIS IS IT….On how.this practice will work. But if you need more info, that exists.

You can skip all that and In fact you can do this right NOW and get the benefits. TRY IT….you will remember the words in a few minutes. Keep repeating them.Then over time it all sets IN YOU in the state as YOU in your life. This :ENLIGHTENMENT STATE… leaves you in a manifested healed condition and it all gets better and better on the inside and even on the outside. And this happens with this simple meditation. It does not have to be geared towards God or anyone when you say it to yourself.






(3098) 【The real cause of the problem】 – YouTube

(3098) 【Return to “Zero”】 – YouTube

(3098) Ho’oponopono | The Powerful Ancient Hawaiian Mantra to Manifest Miracles – YouTube


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