
(Reader: Victor) Response to X22 Report Episode 3137



Reader Post | By Victor

THERE IS NO CONTROLLED AGENDA TO WAKE YOU UP! You have to wake yourself up!. There is no white hat plan or any plan to wake you up. There may be Kim Goguen plan trying to take down the deep state and restore the world, but so far after 6 years of listening? I can’t confirm a thing with so-called proof that you can see.

May be next week like the RV?….waiting…..right? We have all lived a life of waiting and death is coming upon all and never stops, so You have to move on and REALLY WAKE UP….and get to real work.

But even so?…The great KIM aside….EVEN IF IT’S ALL TRUE?….That is still not waking up at all. It’s just a fancier dream to make dream characters feel better…and keep the dream alive. But you are really not the dream character. That is what you have to become aware of.

YOU can prove waking up  for yourself and to yourself. Waking up is knowing your own true nature, because that is the only thing that does not change and last. That is eternal life….the AWARENESS OF REALITY.

All else you call the world or white hats who are coming to save your life is a BS dream.It all happens within that REALITY or AWARENESS. Everything happens in that Reality or what we only know as MIND. There is a huge distinction between MIND AND REALITY.

Mind is how manifestation happens in a dual form. That is what we all see and know as “real”…when it’s really all an impression….WITHIN….or in that cosmic MIND. Its not an individual mind, since there is no individual really.Mind is how anything appears and can be experienced.

 Prior to mind there is only AWARENESS and that is SINGULAR .IT IS ALL….it is ONE and it’s always in the NOW….and its always here. There is only one ALL and that All is not even AWARE that duality …or the dream and You exist. WHY?




Because you do not exist!…YOU DO NOT EXIST!….sorry but you’re a dead dream character walking and do not know it. YOU are the walking dead because you think …THINK….there is that word again. Its MIND WHO THINKs and it creates the idea of a separate you and the whole visible creation….the big show….imo.

That is how the impression of everything we have so far taken as “reality”…..appears to dream characters from within the dream. That is the veil of illusion that is masking AWARENESS in a way, to make you look and you think that you are alive and separate from REALITY…..when you are the REALITY itself.

Yeah….YOU think you are alive or mind borrows the AWARENESS OF REALITY  and pretends it is operating with that LIGHT and it thinks it is its own light….but its a borrowed Illusion of duality manifesting in mind. There is no objective world that you can find. Find one?….where is it? but only in your mind?

Here is what you know and can confirm by direct experience yourself….not by cabal brainwashing or religious brainwashing….because the cabal and this dream never had or has the intention of waking you up. Waking up….happens very rarely not because it’s a hard anda mystical  faraway  feat to discover the TRUTH….but because the TRUTH IS SO CLOSE TO YOU….that you ignore it.

You have the pearl of…. AWARENESS….  and never notice it. Close your eyes and see what you find.? This is so easy that you do not notice it ever….because its always here. Are you aware that you are here? In this room or even in your body?

Unless you are dead?…YOU ARE AWARE…..there it is.! …but you still do not get it!  You never knew you were the thing you were searching for. Salvation by white hats from the evil world or Christ to come and save you. or whomever? Buddha can come and save you as can any other religion…..NOT!

Not unless YOU ARE AWARE OF AWARENESS…..It’s that simple. Right now YOU are aware of MIND ONLY….most of the time. You do not notice AWARENESS NEVER CHANGES. MIND always changes….That is the huge clue and huge difference that is missed.




Try to hold a thought in your mind and see if you can do it? YOU can’t because MIND does not last….it changes always. That is the dream LIFE as we know it without … AWAKENING….it is nothing but a dead dream. Since thoughts come and go and die. 

You think you were born and so you think that you will die. MIND THINKS THAT and….Yes….the dream will die as all the ideas of who you thought you were will die. That can not be saved. All books on saving the mind are deceptions of the mind itself. 

MIND CAN NOT BE AWARE….MIND thinks only….so it makes up Bibles and Korans and Gitas and banging on drums to try to become one with AWARENESS….but it can never be AWARENESS….that is SINGULAR….MIND happens within AWARENESS but never changes or effects AWARENESS. MIND IS DUALITY.

AWARENESS is only aware of what IS….ITSELF AS SINGULAR…only aware of itself. MIND is not AWARENESS….that is why MIND makes up the idea of GOD…because the mind is separate and knows it. 

MIND IMAGINES…. that is separate from the separate you. Then in order for your imagined birth to not die.,,,it creates the God idea. It’s all a shocking mind story that deceives everyone …and it can not work…..SORRY AGAIN?….I am only delivering the TRUTH….I did not make the Game….REALITY did….and no matter what a dead dream character says or does can it become aware or Eternal such as AWARENESS.

But don’t worry….this has a great ending. So if you close your eyes ,,,,can you see? and agree that you are Aware of yourself here and now.? When you see this….  YOU will realize that you are always here and aware in your life. YOU….can not ever shut that awareness off?…YOU can’t!. You can lose thoughts and mind but AWARENESS IS ALWAYS THERE. You can not get rid of YOURSELF.

Without AWARENESS… can not know anything. All experience only happens in AWARENESS. With those closed eyes….can you FEEL an edge or an end to AWARENESS?. NO YOU CAN’T. If you say your body is an edge. Can you feel that edge really?or is that mind talking again? and what is on the other side of that edge? YOU say an objective world? or does your MIND say that.?

An honest inquiry will reveal no edge or end to AWARENESS …With closed eyes its easier to get this first and huge realization…..because that is all that there is! THIS IS ALL THERE IS.

YOU know that now and always took it for granted because it is SO CLOSE TO YOU ITSELF….its YOUR SELF. YOU ARE AWARENESS.

REALITY OR AWARENESS OR SELF….all are the same thing. ITs YOU!….so who is crying for white hats or anything in the dream?…MIND…the creator of the dream. This is a simplified version of ENLIGHTENMENT…..OR WAKING UP. everyone really is that, or has that already YOU own it….but do not know “IT” because everyone focuses their attention on MIND ONLY….and never sees the pearl…..AWARENESS. They never see the GOD they are looking for because it’s that close…..ITS YOU.?




How could you lose and not find YOU or know YOU?….that is the power of the MIND and so waking up is hard or very easy. Once you wake up you go??….WHAT!….it’s that easy!  YEAH…but this is only the start of the trip….some say its “only Jacks for openers”.

Now that you have a clue or where to look for SELF….you can easily always be AWARE….and never lose it again…..since you are always aware. YOU just never saw it. Becoming AWARE OF AWARENESS….is the highest meditation or becoming ONE or how you escape the dream or the matrix. You focus on what you are….NOT ON WHAT YOUR NOT…which is the.MIND being an evil temptress.

WAKING UP….This is very easily done….but its very hard to REALIZE IT. Because MIND will not let you go easely. Putting your attention on AWARENESS …..which you alway are…..IS Worshipping SELF …or focusing on AWARENESS…..that is all that there is. Why would you put the very attention that should be on AWARENESS …become wasted on MIND thinking?….which is the dream and the death?

In the end whether anyone wakes up NOTHING has happened to AWARENESS itself. It is still there and will always be there. That is what ETERNITY IS.

.Mind can not change AWARENESS and only sees NOTHING THERE?….MIND can not register AWARENESS or experience it,  because MIND it is dead and not AWARENESS ITSELF. MIND does not EXIST TO AWARENESS. The two are mutual in their invisibility to each other.

So our beloved mind is like trying to watch TV with a radio?….it does not work and the mind says there is nothing there!….BUT EVERYTHING IS THERE!…AWARENESS IS THERE…..and that IS YOU….YOUR IT!….THAT  IS VERY GOOD NEWS….to find that out. Just check and see if you are aware of being here right now?….IF you are?…you still alive and AWARE….THAT IS WAKING UP.



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