
Great New Pieces from The Best Is Yet To Come



Source: Operation Disclosure Official | By Parisse Deza, Contributing Writer

Submitted on July 30, 2023

Celestial Greetings All,

This edition has several health, well-being, and educational videos staggered between “news” that everyone needs to know to see how things are going in our world.

We are in the deeper stages of an immense catharsis of society, where denial and deception is percolating to the surface from everywhere in society. This is a good thing, and will continue for a while, and it promises to birth a new society at a higher level of being. Humanity is in a healing crisis of enormous proportions, and all the miscreated stuff in its subconscious is being purged. We are in a healing fever that’s burning up the toxins we have been carrying for millennia. And we are remembering what we really are in the process.

As we remember, new information previously unavailable, and new ways of looking at things, are born. We like to share these things with you.

Love, peace, and happiness, Parisse

The Best Is Yet To Come is an educational bridge from old paradigm to new. Not a news site, but a chronicler of humanity’s evolution in Consciousness, we feature articles and presentations that show the positive trend in our development.




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“This video looks at the longest running study in the world and it really puts life into perspective. When we are young, we are seduced by money & fame (The superficial), but in our final days on earth, the things that matter most are love, family, friends & experiences. People on their deathbed typically regret the things they did NOT do – Not enough time with family, not enough vacations, didn’t express true feelings enough, lost touch with close friends, etc. These things are simple, easy and free. So pick up the phone and call the old friend you haven’t talked to in years. Express love & gratitude for the people in your life. Share more experiences with them. In the end, that’s what makes a good life.”

The Optimal Morning Routine – Dr. Andrew Huberman and After Skool Animation Studio

“Tenured Professor in the Department of Neurobiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine, Andrew has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning.”

This refreshing and visually entertaining sixteen minute presentation of “practical tools for optimizing your morning routine” explains waking and sleeping cycles, our circadian clock, the need for natural light first thing in the morning, and the effects of dopamine and caffeine and how to balance them. All to maximize health and wellness, and give increased healthy productivity.

Florida County GOP Declares COVID-19 and mRNA COVID Vaccine a ‘Bioweapon’




7/15/23 – “The Brevard County Republican Executive Committee (BREC) has passed a resolution in a landslide vote to ban the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, deeming it and the virus a ‘biological and technological weapon.’

“The committee’s letter presents a list of shocking revelations against COVID and COVID-19 vaccines, arguing they were ‘biological and technological weapons’ and that there is ‘strong and credible evidence’ that they ‘alter human DNA.’”

Amish children don’t get cancer, diabetes or autism, study finds (while mainstream Americans are sick and DYING in record numbers)

7/17/2023 – “New research presented by Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF) founder Steve Kirsch to the Pennsylvania State Senate shows that Amish children, who are 100 percent unvaccinated, are also free from cancer, diabetes, autism, and many other chronic illnesses from which fully vaccinated children often suffer.

“America’s current Amish population is around 400,000 and rising. Increasingly more people are adopting the Amish way of growing clean food and herbs and avoiding Big Pharma poisons like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) vaccine schedule for children.

“‘The Amish value rural life, manual labor, humility, and Gelassenheit (submission to God’s will) with a view neither to interrupt family time nor replace face-to-face conversations whenever possible,’ reports explain.

“Yet, despite rejecting all modern medicine and pharmaceutical drugs that the rest of the American people have access to, the Amish are among the healthiest in the nation.

Covid deaths rates 90 times lower for Amish compared to rest of America

“‘After decades of studying the Amish, there’s no report because the report would be devastating to the narrative,'” Kirsch testified before the Pennsylvania State Senate. ‘It would seem that the CDC has been harming the public for decades and saying nothing and burying all the data.’

“According to the latest VSRF study, not a single Amish child has ever developed cancer, autism, heart disease, or any other such condition.” 




The Fact-Check Racket Finally Unravels

7/17/2023 – “Before the COVID lockdowns, social media companies had started contracting with new third-parties organizations called fact-checkers to assist in ‘content creation.’ Getting a pass meant the post or story was amplified but getting dinged for inaccuracy meant that the post would be throttled or deleted.

“For a while we believed it but certain revelations changed that. We came to realize that the posts labeled false were typically contrary to regime narratives. And a close look at the supposed refutation revealed that many points were very much in dispute. The companies developed a talent for seeming to reveal something false that was actually still debatable and interesting to consider. In most cases, what was declared false was still under consideration.

“As time went on, the attempts to censor became more brazen and obvious. Then the Twitter files and other FOIAs generated proof of what many suspected all along. These entities were funded either directly or indirectly by government or by other dark-money sources as quid pro quos for other relationships they had cultivated with interested parties.”

John Warner IV Joins Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt – UFO File Deep Events & Black Projects

7/19/23 – “John Warner, son of banking heiress, Catherine Mellon and Senator John Warner of Virginia and the cousin of Christopher Mellon, the Pentagon official, discussing exotic technology, UFOs, and Black Projects.

“John Warner IV is the author of the exotic technology novel, ‘Lion, Tiger, Bear’. He’s the son of banking heiress, Catherine Mellon and Senator John Warner of Virginia and the cousin of Christopher Mellon, the Pentagon official who is stage-managing the Democrats’ upcoming fake UFO Disclosure operation.

7 Meditative Minutes Of Authentic Wudang TaiChi To Harmonize Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

Relax, watch, and let a Taichi master from Wudang monastery in China reset your system.

Follow his movements as if you were doing them, breathing slowly and steadily.




Relax. Put your awareness in his body, with your feet on the ground, and feel what it’s like to move with softness, strength, balance, ease, and grace.

Let your breathing flow as you do the movements along with him. Feel the air move in and out of your lungs from your lower abdomen. Relax as you breathe in and relax as you breathe out.

Dr. David E. Martin with Alec Zeck (TheWayFwrd) – Clarifying the Viral Narratives

7/19/23 – “Dr David Martin joined Alec Zeck of The Way Forward podcast about the fundamental misconceptions that have been built into our sciences and how these have now been compounded by a domestic and international racketeering and terror campaign known as ‘SARS-CoV-2’ and ‘COVID-19’ and how these deliberate confusions erupt around the conversations about the existence and the nature of ‘viruses’.

Alec: “Just to be clear here, so when we’re talking about a ‘virus’, I’m not talking about the previous definition of ‘poison’, I’m talking about a tiny, replication-competant, obligate, intercellular parasite consisting of a genome surrounded by a protein coat that is an infectious particle.”

David replies, “100% bullshit. Everything you just said, for a simple reason: Beginning in 1768 and moving up until its codification in 1869-1870, we took a world that, once upon a time was described largely through natural philosophy and frequencies and we decided to turn it into a world defined by chemistry. And here’s where the problem kicks in: When Mendeleev created what we now refer to as the Periodic Table, he took upon himself the idea that, somehow or another, chemistry was the descriptor of life. And every word you just used to describe what we think we call viruses today, is derived from a chemical-mediated model of a system that, by definition is not chemical.”

YouTube Is Pulling ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Interviews and Reviews

7/20/23 – “YouTube appears to be removing content featuring or even merely reviewing the movie ‘Sound Of Freedom’ for ‘violating community guidelines’ as censorship of the anti-child trafficking movie continues.

“Former Navy SEAL and CIA Contractor Shawn Ryan posted screenshots of the backend of his YouTube account, showing that a 2 and a half minute preview video of an upcoming interview with the film’s star Jim Caviezel has been removed.

“YouTube has also declared the content titled ‘Actor Jim Caviezel Unveils Dark Truths Behind The Trafficking Of Children’ as ‘Ineligible’ for monetization.”




SCIENCE Magazine Finally Admits mRNA Vaccines’ Dangerous Side Effects!

7/21/23 – “Almost 2 and a half years after the first Covid vaccine was put on the market, Pfizer-Biontech’s Comirnaty based on messenger RNA experimental biotechnology, finally even the famous magazine Science, the bible of the world scientific community, is forced to admit the serious side effects caused by the genic sera.

“One of the focal points of the scientific article is the correlation between vaccines and Long Covid that Science magazine itself had already hypothesized in January 2022 after an investigation launched and then mysteriously suspended by the National Health Institute of the United States of America.”

The Origins of Transgenderism Revealed by Greg Reese

7/23/23 – This brilliantly concise and revealing piece from Greg Reese is difficult to digest. Dark and sinister, the forces behind the Transgender movement reflect the work of the Nazis in the 1930s ad 40s. A much-needed piece of historical exposition, this five-minute news doc reveals the core thinking and intentions of Transgenderism.

Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan Demands Mark Zuckerberg Hand Over Documents on Government Involvement in Censorship on His New Platform Threads

7/25/23 – “Rep. Jim Jordan, the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to Mark Zuckerberg last week demanding documentation about content moderation on his new platform Threads.

“Jordan and House Republicans are investigating the federal governments involvement in the censorship industry.

“The Gateway Pundit has reported on this for years. The tech giants and government operatives were working together to silence conservative and independent voices. And, in a majority of cases, this resulted in tech giants and government tyrants spreading false information to the American public.”

Dean Michele Bachmann on the Global Effort to Eliminate Our Freedom




7/25/23 – “Former Minnesota US Representative and current Head of the School of Government at Regent University is one of the thought leaders in the US and the world today. Michele Bachmann is concerned about the globalists whose arrogance leads them to deny God-given individual rights.

“Michele Bachmann joined The Joe Hoft Show on on Monday to discuss frightening actions by world elites who are implementing processes that ignore individual rights across the globe. She shared her concerns with efforts around the globe that are praised as being high-tech but, on the other hand, destroy individual freedoms people enjoy today in the US and elsewhere. Bachmann shared: ‘People sense that there is something seriously, drastically wrong and that something is that you and I and people across the world are losing their freedom and their authority to make decisions…What we are seeing is that our choices are being taken away from us. As a matter of fact, we are being punished for choices. We are being censored for choices.’”

Renowned Physicians and Members of Congress Gather at Supreme Court with 100,000 Petition Signatures, Demanding Investigation into Fauci and Goverment’s Misdealings and Corruption During COVID-19

7/27/23 – Founder and President Dr. Simone Gold and America’s Frontline Doctors convened the “White Coat Summit: The Reckoning” on Thursday, July 27, at the United States Supreme Court, calling for justice and accountability concerning the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Crimes Against Humanity have been committed,” according to its press release.

“Millions of innocent people harmed & killed by lockdowns, hospital protocols, and experimental injections. Now, allegations & evidence will be presented. Due process will be upheld.… and so will the law. Retribution will be demanded–and justice must be served. It is time for THE RECKONING.”

Parisse Deza is new age Renaissance man and visionary with 50 years experience in self-cultivation arts, who calls his field Consciousness and Creativity. He is an educator, counselor, reader, visual artist, writer, Daoist internal alchemy, chigung, and feng-shui adept, and ordained minister in the Universal Life Church. He currently lives in Sedona, Arizona. His main purpose is seeing-in the Aquarian Age and the fulfillment of the original American dream of absolute personal freedom in relationship with all Life.

He is the co-creator and curator of The Best Is Yet To Come educational website for the new paradigm.

Go here for all his articles:


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