
(Reader: DWE) What is a Designated Survivor in America?



Reader Post | By DWE

What is a Designated Survivor in America?

“A Designated Survivor is someone who must be kept out of danger so that they can assume the role of the U.S. President should something happen to the President and his successors. The designated survivor is usually a member of the President’s Cabinet and chosen by the President, should there be a mass-casualty event due to an attack or natural disaster. A designated survivor does not attend the State of the Union address. While the line of presidential succession is referred to in the U.S. Constitution, a Designated Survivor is not.”

What is the continuity of government (COG) if the President, Vice President and the Speaker of the House are arrested for treason and sedition against the Republic?

“The Designated Survivor appointment has its origins in the United States in the 1950s when the risk of nuclear attack emerged during the Cold War. If the Capitol was bombed during a State of the Union address, the Designated Survivor would be offsite and sworn in as the President.  The position of designated survivor is rotated among Cabinet members and is kept a secret.”

I believe the designated survivor appointment is complementary to the line of Presidential succession as additional protection insurance for the Office of the President. “The Presidential Succession Act of 1947 was signed on July 18, 1947 by President Harry Truman. The original act of 1792 had placed the Senate president pro tempore and Speaker of the House in the line of succession, but in 1886 Congress had removed them. The 1947 law reinserted those officials, but placed the Speaker ahead of the president pro tempore.”




The line of succession is the order in which officials will assume the President’s office if the President and Vice President are killed, incapacitated or for example if they are removed from office for treason and sedition.  I am referring to the Brunson case currently being reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court.

According to the Presidential Succession Act, the vice president is second in the line of succession, followed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, then the President pro tempore of the Senate (currently Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT). This position is third in line to the succession of the Presidency and ahead of the Secretary of State.

I believe the current plan in place for continuity of government (COG) (Law of War) will be explained to Americans when SCOTUS rules in favor of Petitioner Brunson.  Our Republic will not be in a state of constitutional crisis as the President never left and we have the Remedy. As Ghost replied recently with his dry, ribald humor during the Nino podcast that sent me into peals of laughter: “A glass eye in a duck’s ass could see what is going on.” 



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