
(Reader: GK) Response to timjoebob “Open Debate for the World to See”



Reader Post | By GK

TimJoeBob, yeah sure like you weren’t being insulting. Everyone who writes against flat earth is being insulting because they think it is the dumbest thing they ever heard.

I prefer to hear ya’ll correctly, as the insult you intend because I know your ridiculous reasons why the earth is a globe, like because the pretty fake CGI NASA pics are round the Earth must be round also.

I want to be insulting so go ahead. I can’t believe how dumb I was to ever have allowed teachers and NASA to put such idiocy into my (our) heads.

So when I am insulting, hear me loud and clear. MATH –architecture–roads–bridges–sea level– stationary earth… SUN NOT 93 million miles away…straight lines and right angles… why do you think freemasonry has the protractor on their building?

Do you really think there are buildings built on the side of the curve and those buildings spin with the earth?

This building is supposed to look like Dr. Seuss built it. But guess what? Under it all is straight lines and sound foundation.

If you would spend an hour actually thinking you wouldn’t continue with the lie…and the fact you do makes me think you have something to lose by the world saying to themselves in droves… OMG DUHHH… how could I have not seen this.




Everything would look like Dr. Seuss designed it if everything was built on a curve.  Architects and road surveyors don’t EVER figure in a curve because they don’t have to. Yes there may be a hill or a mountain they choose to incorporate into a design but do you think all the buildings within that mile radius is built exactly the same? No because there is a difference between creative expression and a bridge that won’t dump cars into the ocean.


When I say “Jeesh” I want it to be heard as an insult. Wake up people.

Why do they call it the “THEORY” of gravity? Because there is zero scientific proof of gravity…

There is magnetism and density… Gravity is a fairy tale to try and say the fairy tales the elite con artists jam into our kids’ heads is so they can get away with lying for power.

Why does a leaf flutter but the slightly weightier limb fall straight down = Density.  That mighty gravity doesn’t grab the leaf????

I’m a firm believer in being as insulting to stupidity as possible. I was stupid but I saw actual math fix my brain. Formulas are fake math designed to try to make things like globe concepts sound real. But they’re not. 




Rothschild loves formulas because they begin with the lies they want to keep in place and a formula holds a lie in place.

And frankly, every time you play dumb and try to make me out to be the dumb one I will respond the same, only with more information.

This matters more than anything because if people cemand to stay dumber than a round rock we are screwed until they depopulate every person but them.

So please, insult me so I can articulate in sarcastic terms or otherwise. I don’t trust anyone who cannot see this. Your either lying for the system or the D word. I have a feeling we are dealing with an Israeli boiler room around here. They have the most to lose from the truth.


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