
(Reader: timjoebob) Question Everything…



Reader Post | By timjoebob

…until you find the answer that resonates with the truth. But, only after hearing and seeing multiple aspects of anything and everything when viewed through the lens of critical thinking can you have an informed, logical, decisive opinion that has merit on a world that is clearly involved in a psychosis of sorts…hence, planet Psycho.

Planet Earth is birthing anew right now.

Planet Psycho is headed towards its destiny.

Both worlds bumping and colliding into eachother is a real s^it show and circus to behold. It’s the Universal Soap Opera. It’s the “why are there so many stupid people?” show. Where did all of these sheeple come from? They’re worldwide. They number in the billions. That should terrify, but not surprise, someone who’s awake…NOT woke. This is literally a war of intellect vs knowledge, in my opinion. It’s just my opinion.

Knowledge is truth and the use of that knowledge is power..speaking truth to power. Intellect doesn’t have to be truthful.

Some people are sheeple because of their upbringing. Others are just plain lazy and are satisfied being stupid. Everyone has a choice.

Satanists use intellect to control the weak minded. Intelligent people are everywhere, worldwide. The Controllers of planet Psycho are Satanic cultists and come in all shapes and sizes and colors. The Controllers are stuck…stuck in their muck. They don’t look so intelligent now, do they? They’re stuck in the quicksand of their own making. They had a choice.




God loving, freedom loving, liberty loving people are not only knowledgeable but are, also, intelligent enough to know the difference between love and hate. One will move you forward and upward and the other will lead you to despair and doom. Everyone has a choice.

Everything in the political arena is a cesspool of deceit. “You’ll not find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy”—Obi-Wan

So, here we are staring and glaring at probably ten to maybe twenty years of the continuing birthing process of a new Earth…meaning the clearing out of some very nasty creatures that will fight to the death. This is why it will take a long time. It’s just now starting.

The Fat Lady has already gone home. She almost was ready to warm up her voice but reality set in and she saw the writing on the wall. So, she ate the last of the popcorn and BonBons and got up off the sofa and slogged through the backstage door to her transport. She’ll be back a little while later. We don’t know when, but she’ll be back at some point in time.

Until then, question everything you hear about our situation on planet Psycho and keep an open mind about planet Earth. We’re not going anywhere and neither is the planet. But, one thing is clear. Planet Psycho is still alive and kicking but on its way out while planet Earth is birthing anew.

There can only be one winner. It’s either ‘we the people’ or it’s them, the Satanists.

It’s either planet Psycho or it’s planet Earth.




If I were a betting man, I know where I’d place my bet.



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