
X22 Report — Episode 3362: Trump Just Hit the CBDC, Republic will be Restored



Ep. 3362a – Trump Just Hit The [CB] Currency, Structure Change Coming

Ep. 3362b – The Great Liberation Begins On Nov 5, The Republic Will Be Restored, Justice Is Served


X22 Report
Streamed on: May 26, 7:15 pm EDT

The people are seeing the failing economy, they know they are not better off, the people are now reporting that they cannot go on vacation because they do not have the funds. Trump is confirming that he will support Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. The [CB] is now panicking because to many people are on board and the direction is clear.


X22 Report
Streamed on: May 26, 7:30 pm EDT




The [DS] have tried everything to remove Trump, it has all failed, the next couple of months are going to be intense. The [DS] wants to put him prison because they believe this will push the people away, the opposite will happen. Trump has built the counterinsurgency, the people will take back the country and trump will restore the Republic, in the end justice will be served.


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