
Mito Miracle: The Actual Cure for Everything



Source: Rumor Mill News | By mroxygen [Send E-Mail]

Date: Saturday, 25-May-2024 17:20:42


I know not everyone can afford this MD administered Ozone method, so that is why you see me promoting the exclusive More Mito mitochondrial repairing and restoring products so often, with you adding Oxygen somehow with the many methods I showcase on my Breath of God Ministry website:

You can join free and get your own free product now and without any obligation by helping others at

Now to today’s article: Here is the proof I wrote 30 years ago about the SUPER ADVANCED OZONE TOTAL CURE Method/Technique, I named: “RECIRCULATORY HEMO PERFUSION” (RHP).

This happened way back in DEC 9, 1995.

Disease is no longer mysterious OR incurable. Source always knows what WE now know. Because HE/SHE designed it, OUR body can cure ANYTHING once we give it enough of the the needed NUTRIENTS and ENERGY for long enough!

But our body needs enough NATURAL ENERGY to do it naturally by:

1. First, DETOXIFICATION! Detoxification; get all bad stuff cleared out of the way so everything works correctly by letting the NUTRIENTS in, and letting the WASTE out. And,




2. Then getting enough FRESH NEW ELECTRONS in to raise our body’s CELLULAR VOLTAGE so WE have enough ENERGY to do this!

The best and most perfect way to do this DETOXIFICATION/ELECTRON CYCLE is already known by NATURE. That’s WHY WE can apply enough OXYGEN/OZONE in the best way possible so there are no uncomfortable or harmful detoxification side effects!

(No wonder they call me “Mr. Oxygen!”)

I was even proving it way back in December 1995 and before and since. Here is an edited letter I wrote then as some proof:

Foundation for the Advancement of Oxygen Therapies
[No longer valid] Rd #1 Box 22A, Morrisville, NY 13408
Ed McCabe, Executive Director
[No longer valid] TEL: 315\684-9284 F/V
Date: Dec. 9, 1995

Mr. Robert Graham
7 Mark Street
East Keilor
Melbourne, Vic. Australia
V/ 011-613-9-336-2677, F/ 011-613-9-336-4467





Thank you for your fax advising that the local doctors are proposing intravenous Ozone infusions.

They are to be applauded for the creativity, and indeed I have used that method myself on occasion, but they are trying to reinvent the wheel.

The current state of the art Recirculatory Hemo Perfusion
(RHP) is way past mere slow IV infusion with a syringe. Like any procedure, dangerous when done incorrectly.

Taking both the benefits and drawbacks of the direct slow IV infusion method into account was what lead to the use of pumped extracorporeal [outside the body] ozone/blood mixing and filtering cascade tubes, the new RHP system.

The Australian MDs are right that the benefits of Direct IV Ozone are that the lesser IV method is an easy and effective delivery system, and far more effective than the old, and slow, German autohemotherapy [Dripping Ozonated blood into the body.] method.

With very slow direct IV Ozone infusion, one can get more Ozone into the body than all the other older less efficient methods which include; autohemotherapy, rectal insufflation, drinking Ozonated water, and ozone body bagging.

But now, comparing by any given measure of time, we can safely and efficiently get far more Ozone more quickly into the patient with the RHP Polyatomic Apheresis system than you can with IV.

IV has a limit, and I personally interviewed the Cebu doctor, Dr. Degrot, (Sp.?) who told me he had a patient receiving treatment from the RHP Polyatomic Apheresis system for almost 8 hours, continuously, with NO side effects, only excellent benefits!!!

[No wonder it has been suppressed forever, even today! IT WORKS WITH NO SIDE EFFECTS]

Now that’s whole body Ozone delivery! That’s when you really start cleaning the 66% water that we humans are.




The drawback to IV is that you cannot get anywhere near as much volume of the Oxygen and Ozone created blood drug products into the patient in one sitting (and concentration plus volume always determines the effectiveness) compared to the RHP Polyatomic Apheresis EXTRACORPOREAL pumped blood cascade method.

This is because of the unpleasant or dangerous side effects from using IV: Coughing for hours if too much is given, or too fast, (and so the amount needed and rate given varies with each patient) and all the typical and uncomfortable or painful detoxification results as the still in the body WASTE LEAVES through our organs, such as possible unconsciousness, temporary blindness, rashes, nausea, swelling, dizziness, lethargy, etc, etc, etc.

All are improper detoxification side effects from the already weakened and possibly drug and other toxic waste poisoned organs of elimination in each patient.

Putting in the Ozone and getting so many NEW ENERGY ELECTRONS that our organs of elimination are being forced to attempt to process all the newly dead viruses, bacteria, parasites, pathogens, and oxidized toxins created by the Ozone!

With RHP Polyatomic Apheresis, you put no toxic load on these organs or the blood or lymph!

BECAUSE All major blood detoxification byproducts are FILTERED AWAY OUTSIDE the body. Exactly where this should be occurring.

Ozone is very POWERFUL. If you were to use it in the way your colleagues have suggested, within two days of continuous treatment, the body fluids (blood and lymph) will become jammed with oxidized waste by-products.

I KNOW THIS AS FACT. I saw this happen with my own blood, 10 years ago, in 1985, under darkfield blood microscopy. Within four days of getting injected with maximum dosages twice a day, all we could see under the microscope was that my blood was pure sludge.

No blood cells were distinguishable, all we could see was just my impure blood sludge.

Naturally I was extremely tired, and just wanted to lay around, and I was healthy when I started! I went to the ocean, but without energy I could not swim, I could only float!




Others in the Lucas Bove’ Miami underground secret clinic [Lucas, former CIA, was chased out of the country and the Miami papers destroyed Ozone and jammed my radio shows by playing railroad train sounds when I tried to speak on the radio] who were sick, especially if they were not doing daily colonics, were laying around just moaning. They considered that better than dying.

For cheaper IV ozone to be really effective, it must be given with multiple 10cc syringes twice daily, IV, with patient lying flat on his back, until the newly Ozone/Oxygen saturated blood outgasses (overflows) Ozone into the lungs to the point of just before the patient starts to cough. Everyone will need different amounts. The cough tells you to stop for then.

Since Ozone’s true effectiveness depends upon saturating the body with it, and keeping it saturated, so the Ozone must be given daily.

If you skip a day, you can extend the number of treatments needed substantially, increasing costs and lowering efficiencies. Many doctors can’t treat that often, so some give the ozone a bad rap.
Narciscists always blame someone else.

BUT WE CAN FORGET ALL THAT. Correct RHP skips all of it with NO side effects. You can do RHP for 8 hours a day with NO side effects. But who can afford, or have time, to do all that? IV for 3 months is a lot more expensive than say 3 days of correct RHP.

But the Polyatomic RHP method delivers far more Ozone to the body than IV can, and does it in a greatly reduced amount of time, at less cost, and with none of these side effects. And the patients, instead of lying around moaning, get up sooner and start exercising!

It is a given that for maximum effectiveness, patient treatment must be approached holistically. Both methods need backing up with colon cleansing – so the newly oxidized materials have more places to leave from – and colloidal mineral, enzyme, and other supplementation, especially the antioxidants – proanthocyanadins and Co-Q10 – so the body can regulate the reaction. And more quickly repair the disease damage. We can discuss all this later.

First, implore the doctors that if they are to do a study, and if the equipment is already right there laying at their feet, [as it is today 2024] in my humble opinion, it would be a backward research step, and possibly patient comfort and well being negative, to go backwards and use the old direct IV method.

You saw with your own eyes at Cebu how much SLUDGE was filtered out of the patient blood during the use of the RHP Polyatomic Apheresis method. It is illogical and possibly patient harmful to force all the oxidized sludge through the patient and his organs when you don’t have to!

[Here I refer to the Cebu Philippine secret clinic study quickly curing AIDS patients. People were so excited by how fast how many got cured, that word got out – primarily due to people fighting over about being the first one to be famous and rich by announcing this miracle cure to the world – so the government kicked the doors down with SWAT and machine guns and threw everyone out.]




The patient “changeover downtime,” and “staff nursing time being expended” concerns are minor negligible incidentals when compared to the tremendous healing benefits and overall efficiencies received through the application of an extracorporeal state of the art RHP ozone delivery system.

In the future mass applications of these concerns will never be a problem, as word will spread fast, and money will flow in to back up the continually occurring phenomenal success stories.

There will be enough staff and chairs around for all. [So don’t let their egos fight over it!] I hope your doctors can realize the huge potential that is so easily at this time within their reach, and not make the mistake of thinking that since they did not have to personally fight real hard to have it arrive in front of them, that it doesn’t matter if they overlook it. It most certainly does matter.

Divine Providence often looks easy to us so our free will can be tested to see if we make the right choices or not.

Your doctors may not realize it, but I believe the choices they each personally make right now at this point in time will have huge effects upon humanity for good or ill, and the repercussions of their choices will be felt for many years.

If they slow down the research by not using state of the art I am explaining, then as the twentieth century plagues increase in frequency, any delays in research will immediately equate directly to a counting of perhaps millions of lives that could have been saved..

[Here we see the whole covid scam was being predicted in 1995. Too bad I was suppressed then, but Source knew WE had to wait longer. Ozone is important, but a wheel within a larger Divine wheel. I was early with my timing.]

If only the research was done sooner, time will still be needed to allow the manufacturing and distribution facilities to
respond before it all [Aids, Sars, Covid, etc.] hits. They must choose wisely now.

Despite any “inconveniences” your doctors may personally perceive as being troublesome, [They all ended up choosing to be afraid of the suppression.] they should be aware that many others before
them, including other doctors, inventors, myself, and yourself, Robert, have sacrificed much to this cause, exhausting body, spirit, and material resources.

[I was soon after writing this, illegally railroaded into federal prison for more than 2 years, including being in even more illegal solitary for 2 months.]




Some even to the point of incarceration or to the making of the “ultimate sacrifice.”

[Speaking of sacrifice. By the way, nobody “dies” because energy is neither created or destroyed, they just morph into another form. My Dad showed me this personally when he morphed.]

Reassure them that by helping to optimize and document the benefits of one of the best and most modern types of Medical Ozone, they join our fraternity, one that serves humankind despite all seeming obstacles, and this is their personal chance of a lifetime.

Imagine the prestige of being known as the doctors who did the establishment research that proves M.E. or AIDS or many other diseases, including of course, cancer, and MS can actually be eliminated!

Please keep me notified of your progress. I will help in any way I can.

Thank You.
Ed McCabe

All of Mr.Oxygen, Ed McCabe’s writings are (c) 2024 and intergalactically copyrighted.

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