
(Reader: Victor) Response to Thomas Anderson “The Overall Picture”



Reader Post | By Victor


Thomas…..Good try and interesting but not funny or even close to hitting the target and actually very far away from understanding yourself and the Universe. Am I saying you are all wrong?….And completely insane and “delusional?”….Yeah ….but I understand your point of view and why you are going on as you are. Not unusual and Not to pull you out of the crowd and pick on you…. because everyone is just as “lost in mind” as you are in your dream. Meaning everyone in a dream, is just as lost….because there really is …”NO EVERYONE THERE”….just YOU. Not even those “other individuals” that you are writing too, As I am writing to “another” so appearing individual. So you are not lost “alone” and then you are?….But you haven’t a clue of what I am taking about or you would have put it in your article? 

The point of my reply is that  “YOU”…can not be lost because you are not a SECOND CREATION…..your the ONE and it only appears that you are Thomas Anderson….or Mr Anderson from the Matrix…which you are because you are giving a 
Matrix viewpoint …”story”…and a fantasy.

Which means that ultimate answer you are seeking is …..’THERE IS ONLY YOU HERE”…..Or….”YOU ARE THE ONE …NEO”….but now you have to figure out what that ….”ONE IS?”….”YOU IS?”…or you can not bend spoons but only write fantastical stories from within the Matrix. Do you know that you are in the Matrix Mr Anderson?…Because if you don’t and as I said. If you knew you are THE ONE really and not from MIND?…..You would be writing what I am writing and you are not even close. Am I right?….I am….in case you do not want to admit it…..and you will not and would not admit or leave the Matrix except by very special situations….VERY SPECIAL….and I did find ….”IT”….in your article. In your first few lines when you said….”Everything comes from one source!”

CORRECT….There you go Thomas!….You had it a small taste of “IT”,,, but you did not eat the whole enchilada and just kept on….THINKING AND TALKING….lest you find REALITY AND YOU IN THE SILENCE. The “SILENCE” ….is not the MATRIX. Had you known personally that line that you wrote ….you then YOU would have started to talk more and add on to the idea that everything comes from one source. Which really means that even with your mentations and palabering…eventually you get to it.

….”YOU ARE THAT ONE SOURCE”… bango jango!…You got it then Friend…But you did not “get it”?….AHHH ….really Mr Anderson…” the dream character” which you think is you, then continued on like ALWAYS! ….and once again pretended to kept on thinking and chatering in the dream because it was so much “FUN”…. OK….nothing new to see hear once again.The same old dead man thinking and blabbering insanities that would make a lunar tick  blush. Because they might be more “sane”….But that is the way CREATION WORKS…..

So there is no real fault in your condition….Mr Anderson…..since…..”THERE REALLY IS NO “SIN” ON YOUR PART….SINCE YOU ARE BEING “DREAMED UP”….So who do we have to blame Mr Anderson?….NO ONE SINCE THERE IS NO ONE THERE BUT …”YOU”….or as you said…..”Everything comes from one source!”….

Because…..the “ONE”…..seeks FUN AND JOY AND ALL AND EVERYTHING “WITHIN ITS OWN MIND OR “SELF”….even so called “evil” ….is the same “ONE”…. Meaning that anything that is manifested in appearance…. “IS”.. is  only a freaking dream “THE ONE IS HAVING”…”IT IS HAVING A DREAM”. ..YOU ARE HAVING A DREAM AND YOUR THE STAR OF THE SHOW and the appearance of “many shows?”….Haaa….aren’t you a CREATOR.




The one and …. only dream”…. in all of creation….WITH YOU THE “STAR” …pretending not to “be there” and “remember”….Haaaa….again!. This means Mr Anderson….that “little you” is NEVER EVER….EVER A CREATION…..impossible!….it’s just a dream in that and only existing…”ONE SOURCE MIND” and objective MIND…and not a Mr Anderson subjective dream which would then be a complete illusion and if you believed it?….YOU WOULD BE BELIEVING INSANITY ….since none of it actually ” EXISTS”…

Mr. Anderson …DOES NOT EXISTS….which is an aspect of THE REALITY OR THE ONE….that is not really separate but only in the insane state of ‘believing in dreams and nightmares as ‘reality?’…. Because THAT AWARENESS/ONE SOURCE FILLS AND IS EVERYTHING AS YOU BASICALLY SAID; BUT DID NOT COMPREHEND AND OR ACCEPT ITS COMPLETE MEANING….(in my subjective opinion)….which  THEN destroys your dream of being a Thomas Anderson….But since your article went a certain MIND way?….so far “you” did not accept that REALITY….of “YOU ARE THE ONE”….OR THE DREAM WOULD HAVE TO “WAKE UP”….and that means the end of “LITTLE YOU”?…and no article from the point of view of insane separation and gulaility that you shared. YET?…No matter at all. …since no dream character is required to awaken from the dream at all?

So you get a pass and get out of jail free card. This article is that GET OUT OF JAIL card. Who will take it among the invaded body snatchers.? Which is what all dream characters are….invaded by the dream of a separate self and then you all gather in a group in the dream and create and support the world you complain about…..NEVER SEEING THAT….”YOU ARE THE CAUSE”…..Mr Anderson.

The dream is never about… “you”….the MIND dream character being dreamed up….or ….”the little you in the dream”…which looks like death of the body if that dreamed up character ever wakes up and stops writing insane articles backed up by volumes or more insane books and even more dream delusions…..AND….gets it. DO YOU GET IT. YET?…..’YOU ARE THE ONE”…. that he is the ONE ACTUAL DREAMER?!!!!. ,,,OR END OF THE DREAM SHOW….and back at SINGULARITY AS “EVERYTHING”.

SO……Everything in creation is an ILLUSION OF MIND. Where the ONE’S ” MIND” is an actively dreaming all the time….because it …”IS THE REALITY….OR THE ONE SOURCE”….IT CAN DO WHAT EVER IT WANTS….and if it does not “DO”,,,,,or dream Mr Anderson up?…You are then like that tree in the forest. YOU WOULD NOT EXIST….Not that YOU exist now as a dream character….but you in the dream can play at make believe and ?…”have a good time” . So….You are not there then as a tree…..BUT THE SPACE OF AWARENESS OR THE ONE DREAMER…..WHICH IS YOU. 

Then the whole experience of the dream is seen and YOU REALIZE THAT THE DREAM IS WITHIN ….  “YOU MIND”….or creation is all within YOU. As the ONE….”your personal “….experience like delusion all the while in the dream. Which CAN?….OR will turn to a LUCID STATE OR….”EVERYTHING IS ME DIRECT PERSONAL REAL OBJECTIVE EXPERIENCE OF BEING”…..That then is the LUCID DREAMING STATE OF AWARENESS…..With no Mr Anderson as YOUR FALSE IDENTIFICATION…..


Not to say you are bad or ignorant because you did not get my ‘GET OUT OF JAIL” perspective, YOU ARE NEITHER OR ANY ADJECTIVE in existence WHEN YOUR THE ONE…..EVEN OR BECAUSE….because your erudite sharrings miss the point COMPLETELY. Because all of “CREATION”…..MISSES THIS POINT OF GETTING OUT OF JAIL.  The dream wants to pretend to be lost simply because IT IS WHAT DREAM DO….since they are …ALL ONLY MIND CONCEPTS IN THE END? and your appearing Mr Anderson lack of AWARENESS OF AWARENESS?….does it really matter ?…SINCE THAT IS WHAT ALL OF CREATION ACTUALLY IS. You could say it is complete INSANITY…creation with ‘you’ in it….OR TO THINK THAT YOU ARE A DREAM CHARACTER?….IS IT NOT?




But the catch-22 escape from the MATRIX IS……that there is no one hurt in the making of Creation or NO SIN HAS ACTUALLY MANIFESTED AT ALL  A dream if Sin has appeared to have happened?….Since……”SIN”….Sin is the perception of Reality being only a dream….if you think you still need Sin? Because it is an “elective dream”…that you are having and “making”…Since…You don’t need SIN….OR DO YOU MR ANDERSON?….Since you just wrote a huge article on it?

bUT “YOURS”…’s just another dream in the land of OZ or your little “avatar ” experience in your perceived…”West World”… like experience but with no need for robots if your LIVE IN  MIND?…..This……”THIS”…is where you have missed the UNDERSTANDING…..of wtf is going on…..imho again of course. BUT?….HOW OFTEN ARE YOU “ever” LUCID IN A DREAM?…..Not often or ….probably “never”…because if you were ever lucid, you would know that YOU ARE THE DREAMER and THE ONE….then “you’ are out of the Matrix Mr Anderson. Because the DREAM OF MIND OR THE MATRIX OR CREATION….”IS”.. what WHAT EVER “YOU” SAY IT IS?….YOU have control of you accept YOU AS THE ONE.

So who will take the FREE GET OUT OF JAIL CARD?

YOU ARE THE ONE…..There is no you in a dream but EVERYTHING IS YOU…When that is SELF REALIZED….YOU NEVER FORGET YOU. …and never became lost in the dream?…or do you? Since your still dreaming?….YOU MUST WANT TO DREAM?….with only YOU HERE….who can change WHAT IS?……ONLY “YOU” AGAIN.

Can you dream and be LUCID of AWARENESS?….and still be in a dream?…I think NOT REALLY!…..because it’s no fun then. It’s that simple….YOU AS THE ONE ARE IN LOVE WITH YOU AND ‘your little lost dream’….YOU DON’T WANT THE PAIN OF SIN TO END….

Not to say that when a dream “never wakes up or becomes lucid”…. that that is or was some kind of …”LACK” ?…state while in a dream. Because “lack” is the only thing THAT DOES NOT EXIST IN REALITY….since REALITY IS SINGULAR AND EVERYTHING. So “LACK”… is also another illusion…. “IN THE DREAM ” …as is your article of trying to make sense of REALITY by using the wrong tool….thinking and your so called “mind”…..all from the point of perception OF BEING INSIDE OF A DREAM EXPERIENCE and NOT LUCID….AWARE OF SELF AS AWARENESS….but lost in the mind of being then Inside the Matrix.

So what can a dream character ever know about REALITY?…WHEN ITS BEING DREAMT UP AND IT IS NOT “REAL”.?  Think of this from even your dream life perspective when “you” dream.What happens in the morning? Nothing happens in relation to “dreams”,,,because YOU were a dreaming and it’s all mind stuff within YOU….so that is the same FOR THE WHOLE ENCHILADA…..only YOU ARE HERE. IN THIS NOW…..NO SPACE….NO STORIES….NOTHING BUT YOU. There is no space even because that requires a duality and YOU ARE SINGULAR.

BUT…..YES… think you have to use “mind” to write words and express “dreams”…..but the mind you are using is really …THE MIND OF REALITY…..looking at it’s own dream!….(AWARENESS)…..It’s not even your own mind even though you talk to yourself all the time and there is no one there?….That would be the description of… “INSANITY”….IMO?….Or REALITY TALKING TO ITSELF and not knowing it’s talking to itself?…..HMMM?….That is called ‘CRAZY”….Can Jesus help you with that one?….NOT!…Because that is part of the dream also. SINGULAR IS SINGULAR…..A Jesus “idea” is a duality because it is a MIND IDEA once again. Everyone will have to work very hard to figure this out and escape the Dream….and you walk alone dropping it all away.

The only originator of what you think is a “solid objective reality” which you are trying to explain and comprehend….Mr Anderson…. BUT YOU NEVER WILL,,,,, UNLESS YOU ARE “IN”…OR SENSING….USING THE CORRECT TOOL….(BEING SELF AWARE)…

THE MATRIX is  then missing OF THE WHOLE OF THE ONE…..the whole AWARENESS OF YOU BEING HERE IN THIS NOW!….But instead you are in the Matrix writing more stories and ….SEEKING YOURSELF?….Which you really are doing as as… THE ONE…Through dreams……since no time exists and YOU ARE THE ONLY “ONE HERE”?….What us the Hurry to get out of the dream?…because when there is no dream?….There is NOTHING BUT YOU THERE…..BUT WITH NO EXPERIENCE OF ” ME HERE”…..Since SINGULARITY CAN NOT HAVE ANY DUAL EXPERIENCE …..”IT JUST IS”….NO EXPERIENCES THERE….(not even the GOD EXPERIENCE) in which you think is going on in your so called illusionary “personal mind”….experience which is palabering all over the page lost in the delusion of the “dream”…or ” YOUR DREAM”…and is full of it. HAAA….how is that for a shock?




Which leaves you as a dream character…. “in the end”…of the mind trip with “EVERYTHING HAS NO MEANING AT ALL”…..Bummer right? What is a MIND to do NOW?…Panic and danger Mr Anderson…..the matrix is melting and your in perril. Because when you and as a second person YOU….”think you have a “meaning”?….When really “Your lost in space were none exists and only in the dream and NOT AWARE OF AWARENESS AND WHO YOU ARE.”.So Mr Anderson….”IN… in the Matrix is insane…..but lucky for all dream characters….”SALVATION FROM THE DREAM”….is by the realization that is was YOUR LITTLE NIGHT MARE…..and YOU ARE THE ONE….and you just woke up to YOURSELF.

So when in that “dream” state of perception….you are lost in mind…or lost in space which does not exist. …OR …REALITY IS COMPLETELY IMMERSED IN ITS OWN DREAM!…..AND FORGETS ITS THE DREAMER. It can not really ‘FORGET’….but it only appears that way from the perspective of view point of a dream character. So sadly….your great detritus of supper mentation and erudite menatations of a condensed article of trying to understand ALL AND EVERYTHING  by “not lucid dream character”…IT ALL…., all means “NOTHING”….. Because meaning is an illusion that YOU EXIST AS A SEPARATE “THOMAS ANDERSON”…WHEN YOU DO NOT….and there is no Matrix unless YOU WANT TO DREAM OF BEING THERE?…

ALL THE WHILE….There is no one there that is separate from GOD or REALITY….which means that this understanding or REAL AND ONLY AWAKENING POSSIBLE….is that YOU ARE GOD ITSELF AND THERE IS NO OBJECTIVE UNIVERSE WHICH IS SOLID AT ALL. THERE IS ONLY YOU HERE…..and mind and words can not know what that which ALWAYS IS….because mind is not always in a dream….so then the DEVIL DIES and NOTHING HAS HAPPENED TO …..”YOU THE ONE”….It was just a dream within You and you forgot that you were dreaming and sleeping.

So the invading space aliens and the dead for three years now…by prostate cancer “TRUMP THE MASKED MAN”….will run for president in another made up  DREAM….BY YOU)….OR….a dream for lost sheep within a dream. ALL A GREAT MOVIE!…Man….the one is really creative!  in which no harm was ever “caused” to any of the participants in the movie or MOVIES…or movie or movies like your dreams…because “THERE IS NO SEPARATE YOU THERE IN THE MOVIE”……YOU ARE DREAMING THE WHOLE THING UP.

WHY???….YOU ASK…..Ahhhh?…the brilliant mind never wants to shut up or it will become LUCID AND DIE!!….AND YOU WILL….but not really. SINCE what can happen to an illusion?…..NOTHING….which means that all of creation is a MIND EXPERIENCE……where there is no tree in the woods unless you are there projecting a tree to hear it fall….experiencing it all as a Mr Anderson perhaps? When your attention fails to go to another “dream?”….ONLY THE ONE REMAINS…all remains as AWARENESS AS IT ALWAYS HAS….where REALITY OR YOU IS ALL THERE IS. REALITY NEVER ENDS LIKE DREAMS END.

IS THAT CALLED GOD?…..IT CAN’T BE…..or?….Well you could but that would still be a sophomoric understanding because…..REALITY DOES NOT NEED UNDERSTANDING AND IT CAN NOT BE UNDERSTOOD… even MIND….because understanding is a limitation if MIND, which is different that “THE FEELING OF BEING THERE” …..nothing can be said about that AWARENESS….OR YOUR IN MIND AGAIN?….The why of IT ….”IS”…NOTHING HAPPENS IN A SINGULAR STATE. That aware state fills all space if SPACE COULD EXIST…..BUT IT CAN’T EXIST….because where would such a space be located?…when AWARENESS OR REALITY FILLS AND IS EVERYTHING? SINGULARITY IS SINGULAR ALWAYS.

Only one “place”…..the experience of “space” creation can happen. It happens in…..MIND….or a dream, The solid tree is not solid as there are no real molecules and atoms and such made up mind bs….it’s all mind bs…the whole show. Which is the WHY REALITY OPERATES IN THIS WAY. IT HAS NO OTHER CHOICE. It has to dream any experience so as to REMAIN SINGULAR…..and that feels like ….YOU….since if you check personally how you perceive REALITY…NOTICE THAT …..”YOU ARE ALWAYS HERE”….that is it!…..THAT IS IT….!….now say NOTHING…..AND BE THERE AND ENJOY FEELING “me”.

This means that IF THERE IS NO DREAM?….NOTHING CAN BE HAD AS AN EXPERIENCE. NO EXPERIENCES MEANS THAT THE AWARENESS OF THE REALITY……has not manifested the ullision of a solid world via a DREAM. In a SINGULARITY….THERE ARE NO EXPERIENCES because experiences are “dual in appearance”…part of how MIND experiences with thinking or “false creation of a false reality held in mind” as with the sinless Thomas Anderson “experience” in the dream and then when “there”….even a “separate guy like experience with a separate GOD guy in the movie”….can be hd with a little forgetfulness….All also… a dream. There is no GOD guy there….only in dreams are there. BUT YOU ARE HERE AS REALITY….BE SILENT AND KNOW THYSELF…feel what it feels to me “EVERYTHING IS ME”….

This was the long version….trying to use mind and words….and it will miss the point. YOU JUST HAVE TO BE SILENT AND YOUR OUT….THAT SIMPLE….that is beyond IMO. So…Mr Anderson….thank you for letting me use your name over and over in this long version. It was a lot of fun to do and don’t worry….who will really read this long detritus?….So keep on keeping on….because you have 100% approval for being in your dream and “life” as you see it….or you would not be …BEING DREAMED UP….no sins or mistakes in ….REALITY…..ALL IS PERFECT….but it can appear as “not” in dreams of course.






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