
(Reader: David Lawn) Related Game Theory Environments



Reader Post | By David Lawn

Game Theory and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are used, I am informed, by the White Hats to analyze complex situations and their interactions, in order to seek out the “Maximum Payback” or best outcome of possible actions that are to be taken. This requires powerful, fast, computers using live memory to store data (rather than disk storage) for fast computational data access. And it requires very large amounts of relevant data.

This combination of large data storage with rapid access is a relatively new technical development.


The environment of this AI can be seen as the set of parameters and their relationships that are to be used in the calculations.

One needs also to consider the relationships between environments if one can distinguish between used environments.


To explain what I mean by that:




Imagine you are on a plateau and there is a very deep fissure in front of you accross the land. You descend into that valley and come up the other side. Having done that you find that you can easily step accross the fissure, you can easily move from one side of the fissure to the other. However you see that the other people you meet do not cross over from one side to another. They stay on the side that they are already on. Presumably this is because, on approaching the fissure, they unconsciously detect fear, and this fear keeps them away.

This analogy speaks of a man or woman who has integrated part of their unconscious with their consciousness (if you permit me to use those words). He or she can traverse from one part of human experience to another in a conscious way and enjoy both areas consciously.

This “personality integration”, or whatever you wish to call it, is not an unusual experience for people to have. Our very languages contain this knowledge. In English we use the word re-member, to bring one part of oneself into integration with another part. French, too, speaks of sous-venir, bringing one part from below up into consciousness. German, too, says er-innern, going into oneself.


What has this to do with parameters of successful game theory operations?

Well, the fissured landscape described above, is our general situation. We do, in fact, avoid those fissures. And so the outcome “games” must needs consider this environmental structure, the related environments in which our “games” are played. We do not behave in a continuum, mentally, we only assume that we do.

And so our computer models need to reflect this fact.





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