
‘Hello Down There’ – by Martin Scorsese, and Other Exciting Items from ‘The Best Is Yet To Come’



Source: Operation Disclosure Official | By Parisse Deza, Contributing Writer

Submitted on March 11, 2024

Aloha Fellow Humans  

As we move forward this year we find just ahead of us the Spring Equinox, taking place in the US on the 19th of this month. This is when we radically shift from darkness to light. Literally, the energies of the northern hemisphere switch from being predominantly Yin/dark to predominantly Yang/light; from turbulent, oceanic, internal Pisces to fiery, forward-moving, expressive Aries. 

Much of the inner work we have been doing in the last six months will bear fruit as the year opens from now on. Get your intentions together, take aim carefully, imagining the making of the new world you would prefer to live in, and act as if you are in it now. The spiritual energies are quite supportive of positive change, as the toxicity of the old paradigm continues to be brought to the surface and cleared out of the way. 

You can support this process by maintaining a strong field of confidence and never doubting what is really happening, no matter how stupid or destructive things look on the outside. Hold the Course, and know that we are there.

Love, peace, and happiness 



You can open and enjoy the pieces below by going to: and simply scrolling down.

The Best Is Yet To Come is a bridge from old paradigm to new. Not a news site, but a chronicler of humanity’s evolution in consciousness during this transitional time, we feature articles and other presentations that mark the positive trend in our development.





Average Americans Are Snuffing Out ‘Expert’ Gaslighters

2/26/24 – “Two recent data points suggest that the dangerously high influence of “experts” on average Americans’ thinking is collapsing.

“It cannot come fast enough.

“Any semi-objective reading of Biden’s and Trump’s first terms by measuring how well Americans fared and how well the world fared finds Trump’s demonstrably better in almost every category, from the economy to wage growth to containment of Russia to peace in the Middle East. 

“But here’s the thing: Normal Americans are realizing this.

“…Americans are turning away from the propaganda poison of the anti-American “expert” class and relying more on their own good senses. This is a good and necessary step forward.”





Dr. Phil Shocks ‘The View’ Hosts by Slamming Impact of COVID Lockdowns on Children

2/28/24 – “During an appearance on the ABC show, the television host began by explaining the harm smart phones and social media had wrought on childhood development.

“Kids stopped living their lives and started watching people live their lives and so we saw the biggest spike and the highest levels of depression, anxiety, loneliness and suicidality since records have been kept and it’s just continues on and on and on, said Phil McGraw.

“That narrative was palatable to the hosts, but when McGraw used the same logic to slam COVID lockdowns, the hosts bristled.

“’Dr. Phil leaves hosts on The View in STUNNED SILENCE after utterly SCHOOLING them on lockdowns— Hosts PANIC: “CUT TO COMMERCIAL BREAK!”

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) February 27, 2024

“Then COVID hits ten years later and the same agencies that knew that are the agencies that shut down the schools for two years – who does that? Who takes away the support system for these children?

Dr. Phil also pointed out that COVID lockdowns prevented interventions for children who were being violently and sexually abused.


Hello Down There – Directed by Martin Scorsese

How do we get the public to start feeling comfortable with the idea that extraterrestrials are trying hard to communicate with us? Ask a famous Hollywood director to prime the pump…

“What does a highly advanced civilization have to do to get noticed around here? Watch the extended cut of Hello Down There, a tale of intergalactic outreach, directed by Martin Scorsese.





Antarctica Disclosure – Anthropologist Robert Sepehr

This is a very comprehensive and engrossing analysis of the historical events over the decades that have made Antarctica the subject of much controversy and theorizing. What’s really been going on down there that deserves so much attention? -Parisse

2/26/24 – “Antarctica is the site of the South Pole and the southernmost continent of the planet governed under a series of recognized guidelines and agreements called the Antarctic Treaty System.

“New Swabia (Neuschwabenland) was a territorial claim made by Germany in the late 1930’s. About 40% larger than Europe and virtually (allegedly) uninhabited, Antarctica continues to be a topic of great mystery and ongoing controversy. This presentation attempts to analyze and disclose still classified events pertaining to the region and how they may still be covertly influencing humanity today.”


You Are EXACTLY Where You Need To Be! – A Channeled Message from Bashar

I do not pay attention to most channeling. I pay attention to Bashar though, as there are truthful and essential understandings coming through this venue about where we are and how to navigate it. One of the most difficult things to do “down here” is to let go of undesirable present circumstances in order to move forward. Bashar explains quite lucidly the psychological state one needs to be in to accomplish this feat. This is the root of all creativity – the ability to transcend the present by being in it and not being affected by it. Listen…  -Parisse

2/27/24 – “In this video Bashar delivers [the] powerful message [that] you are exactly where you need to be. There is nowhere else and nothing you need to do that is needed…where you are right now. Everything is always working in your favor no matter what! He gives his definition of abundance and speaks about the actual reason for visualization. Furthermore, he speaks on remaining in the positive state no matter what is happening outside of you in your reality. If you remain in the positive state no matter what is happening outside of you that means you have changed! If you believe things should be different on the OUTSIDE, then that means you have not changed.


The CIA Admits To Instigating War with Russia – Western Imperialism Comes Out of the Closet

3/1/24 – “Putin has made it clear in several interviews that he is well aware of how US Presidents come and go, and US policy never changes.

“Putin is well aware that it is the CIA who directs US policy. And it is the intelligence agencies of NATO countries who have been covertly instigating war with Russia for decades.




“In the Tucker Carlson interview at the Kremlin, President Putin seemed to be speaking directly to the CIA.” 


Male Soldiers in Spain Changing Genders to Receive Better Benefits and Higher Pay

    Now for some comic relief : )

3/8/24 – “Just when you though you’ve hit ‘peak transgender’, you ain’t seen nothing yet…

“That’s because soldiers in Spain are starting to change their genders from male to female to earn benefits that are only available to females, according to a new report from the NY Post

“The report points out that 41 men in Spain’s north-Africa autonomous city Ceuta now list as female after the law change. Only four have changed their name and a ‘majority’ of them have kept – wait for it – their male genitals and even their beardsaccording to the report

“Army Corporal Roberto Perdigones commented: ‘For changing my gender, I have been told that my pension has gone up because women get more to compensate for inequality. I also get 15 percent more salary for being a mother.’”


Sen. Johnson’s Senate Panel on the Vaccines Is the Red Pill We’ve All Been Waiting For

3/1/24 – “Ron Johnson has… repeatedly advocated for early COVID-19 treatments to be made available to Americans.

“Being one of the most outspoken critics of the vaccination program in American history got him a lot of pushback, and in 2022, he decided to postpone his retirement to go through a grueling re-election campaign so there would be someone in the government who could advocate for everyone whose lives had been ruined by the COVID vaccines.

“Despite being public enemy number one of the pharmaceutical industry, Johnson narrowly won, becoming the first politician in America’s history to run on the vaccine safety issue and win. Since then Johnson has kept his promise and fought for the vaccine injured (along with taking a variety of other difficult but important positions such as giving one of the most poignant speeches I’ve heard on the Ukraine War when he tried to block the Senate from continuing to fund it).”





Man Scheduled for Hip Replacement Re-Grew the Cartilage in His Hip 
     – and He’s Running Again!

3/4/24 – Andrew Dunstall dodged heart surgery and a hip replacement by changing his lifestyle with food, rest, patience, supplements and careful exercise. His osteoarthritis disappeared and the cartilage in his hip repaired itself. This has all been doctor verified.

He follows a low-carb plan, and has cut out sugar, processed foods, lectins, and nightshade plants (tomatoes, white potatoes, bell peppers, cucumber, and eggplant) to reduce inflammation. He was influenced by Dr. Ken Berry, MD. He also reveals what supplements helped him.

Tunstall, a runner for 40 years, is now able to run again and suffers no more pain.

Also by Andrew Tunstall that Will Help:

Your Own STEM CELLS Can Heal You and Reverse Ageing (if you let them!)

“Stem cells are cells that have not yet ‘committed’ to differentiating into any specific tissue type. They are found in the foetus and called “Embryonic Stem Cells” and produce ‘daughter’ cells that then differentiate into bone, muscle, liver, skin etc. The Stem Cells remain ‘neutral’ in a sense and continue to produce ‘daughter’ cells that can develop into pretty much any type.”


Elon Musk Hits OpenAI with Lawsuit for Abandoning Mission to Serve Humanity

3/4/24 – “Elon Musk claims in a lawsuit that ChatGPT-maker OpenAI and its chief executive Sam Altman, among others, have breached the artificial intelligence startup’s founding agreement that puts humanity over profits.




“His lawsuit alleges that ‘OpenAI, Inc. has been transformed into a closed-source de facto subsidiary of the largest technology company in the world: Microsoft. Under its new Board, it is not just developing but is actually refining an AGI [artificial general intelligence] to maximize profits for Microsoft, rather than for the benefit of humanity.’”


How the Government Used ‘Track F’ To Fund Censorship Tools

3/4/24 – “Officials from the National Science Foundation tried to conceal the spending of millions of taxpayer dollars on research and development for artificial intelligence tools used to censor political speech and influence the outcome of elections, according to a new congressional report.

“The report looking into the National Science Foundation (NSF) is the latest addition to a growing body of evidence that critics claim shows federal officials—especially at the FBI and the CIA—are creating a ‘censorship-industrial complex’ to monitor American public expression and suppress speech disfavored by the government.

“’In the name of combating alleged misinformation regarding COVID-19 and the 2020 election, NSF has been issuing multimillion-dollar grants to university and nonprofit research teams,’ states the report by the House Judiciary Committee and its Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.


Argentina’s President Javier Milei Suspends State-Run Leftist News Agency for “Propaganda”

3/4/24 – “The chainsaw-wielding Argentine president Javier Milei has consolidated eighteen government ministries into nine, fired 5,000 government workers, devalued the peso near market rates, and introduced economic reforms to overhaul the faltering economy after a series of devastating financial crises. 

“The latest fat Milei has trimmed from the bloated government’s books is the largest and most prestigious news agency in Argentina, Telam. The state-run media outlet has served as a mouthpiece of ‘propaganda’ for previous progressive administrations.”


New Research: Psych Experts Call Left-Wing Leaders ‘Psychopathic’

– Barack Obama Cited as Perfect Example of ‘Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder’

3/5/24 – “…in a groundbreaking study published in March 2023, titled Understanding left-wing authoritarianism: Relations to the dark personality traits, altruism, and social justice commitment,” authors Dr. Ann Krispenz and Dr. Alexander Bertrams found that left-wing extremism is closely associated with ‘psychopathic tendencies.’”




“The Biden administration – which insists Donald Trump’s reelection would be very bad for America – enthusiastically supports amputating the breasts and sexual organs of thousands of troubled children, is obsessed with ushering as many millions of illegal aliens (including terrorists, fentanyl smugglers, MS-13 gang members, child sex traffickers and legions of surly, military-age Chinese men) as possible into America, and – just to pick one of many examples of bureaucratic insanity – recently demanded, via its FAA, that U.S. airlines employ more people, including pilots, with ‘severe intellectual’ and ‘psychiatric’ problems.

“It’s increasingly clear that many of America’s current leaders are, to put it plainly, stark raving mad.


South Dakota Passes 2 Laws to Take Steps Against a Central Bank Digital Currency

3/8/24 – “South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem signed two bills into law to reject a central bank digital currency (CBDC), removing it from the definition of money in the state and banning the state from accepting it as payment.

“Under the South Dakota Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), ‘money’ means ‘a medium of exchange currently authorized or adopted by a domestic or foreign government.’ South Dakota’s new law states that ‘The term is not intended and cannot be construed to create or adopt a central bank digital currency.’ Similar legislation excluding CBDC from the definition of money has already been signed as law in Indiana and Florida.”


Colonel Douglas Macgregor Presents His Own State of the Union Address

3/8/24 – Clearly a member of a large, behind-the-scenes group of positive military forces in the US working to steer the public towards a healthier future, Macgregor spends 11 minutes clarifying our true state and giving his insightful perspectives and informed viewpoint on what needs to be done to correct our path.


Parisse Deza is new age Renaissance man and visionary with 50 years experience in self-cultivation arts, who calls his field Consciousness and Creativity. He is an educator, counselor, reader, visual artist, writer, Daoist internal alchemy, chigung, and feng-shui adept, and ordained minister in the Universal Life Church. He currently lives in Sedona, Arizona. His main purpose is seeing-in the Aquarian Age and the fulfillment of the original American dream of absolute personal freedom in relationship with all Life.

He is the co-creator and curator of The Best Is Yet To Come educational website for the new paradigm.




Go here for all his articles:


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