
(Reader: Victor) Your Cat and Dog Know More than you do



Reader Post | By Victor

You think that you are smart and know something about something. But you do not know anything because your cat and dog know more than you. Haaa….haaa….you laugh because you know you are much smarter than your d*mb dog that licks parts you cant

reach and your cat eats humming bird brains with glee….how smart is that? You say in your defense of your “Arrogant” intellect.

But its that brilliant and smart or even genius intellect that has given you …”the world of hell”…. that the whole of society lives in while sound asleep in the matrix. Most waiting in line for the next shot and mask mandate for suckers, that will “save your life” from the scary buggie “unseen”.. bugs that do not exist and you can not see…but they are out there to get yean. But you are “smart”..and you  trust everyone and give your own “freedom” away because the FDA and the EMA certified liars and CIA drug pushers have told you “THIS IS THE TRUTH”….and you who can not lick parts unmentionable lick up what is worse!….Death itself because the “loyal smart”….matrix lover believe ALL that BS stories are all true…..given to you by “THEM”….but your so smart you never investigate who then is or who “THEY ARE”?….

So you then turned on the idiot box news with the same lies that you have heard for 50 years if your old enough to survive that long and you still think that you are hearing the truth?….”because your so smart”…..NOT!….YOUR NOT SMART AT ALL! . Your a blithering compared to your cat and dog or any animal or any little creature. NONE of those animals operate on “smarts”…because “smarts”…does not exist and is a lie and aman made distortion. YOU want proof?…Of course you do. Well?….what is on the news for smart people today? LIES!…..but you say its the TRUTH!…..ehhhrr… says NATURE AND ITS CREATURES….So your not smart at all because you are against all of Creation.

In you beloved “NEWS”….you will find just another war by the scheckel counters and hoarders doing everything that they accused you of doing; while you only wanted your raw steak in the matrix and side of farba beans? Which you know what that side dish means because you have seen every brainwashing movie ever created. THAT IS THE PROOF!….but a d*mb mind not as smart as a cat of dog will not fall for what YOU HAVE FALLEN FOR….AND LICKED THE BOWL JUST LIKE A “D*MB DOG”….?Hmmm?….really?

AHH….to rough this kind of honest attitude and “not woke talking” and “rude attitude”….. Of course its “Rough”….for everyone in the matrix. Cause you do not want to CHANGE!…Because your thoughts are not your own and they have been programed into your since you were born everyday by mama and papa and the tv or your darpa deep state black mirror phone….which you keep close to you at all time to report your every move back to “Mr Smith”….Yes!….

This means that “real inner change “?…by YOU?…..VERY HARD WORK….but?….”IF”….??…YOU do that “CHANGE”….and then YOU realize that they are trying to KILL YOU ? Then YOU MAY NOT…  go and stick your arm out for the shot and let them put the poison right next to your brain blood barrier with a 6 inch ling swab….and you line up like a lemming in your cars following the orange cones to the fat lady who you give your freedom too.




NOW…who is the d*mb one in this story and where is the proof that a dog or cat knows more than “ME!”…..ME….who knows it all and buys all the insurance and obeys all the laws and does what they are told because your sunday liar told you to obey? 

Does a cat and dog obey?   NO THEY DON’T…..because they do not have a brain or intellect like you do. So you can not con them with made up mind stories over and over. If their food tastes bad and its poison!…They will not eat it and certainly not stick their arm out for the fat lady to probe you to your death.

So you cat and dog both know more than you and you could say that …..”THEY ARE SAVED!”….Praise the LORD because they are SAVED. YES THEY ARE!….Proof?….They are all living in the NOW or THE PRESENT MOMENT. They are at the actual inner state that you have missed and presently go to church to find because you are living from pure mind ideas and the animal is not. The animal is “ENLIGHTENED”……because they are LIVING FROM THEIR PURE BEING….your not… they are smarter than you are. They can not be conned by a mind with and intellect and brilliant stories of deception and pure evil….but you can and have been and still presently are in the lost conned matrix state of pure and solid lost sleep induced hypnosis.

What to do? Be in the present moment. Proof that you will not die….’IF YOU LIVE THaT WAY’….. is that ALL OF NATURE LIVES THERE!….and….”IT”….  has not died by lack of intellect or mind. In fact there is never any intellect or mind operating in all of Nature…..that God designed. YOU are designed to operate that same way …”BY BEING THERE”….On all levels from actual facts to the whole mind control intellect concept…..and then you were given and intellect to expand further into creation. But you fell asleep and forgot your own …”SALVATION”….or….”ENLIGHTENMENT”….which is here right now like it is for all of Creation and all cats and dogs. So you CAN BE THERE…..why are you not?…..

When its so easy. Your cat is perfectly content in each moment sitting on the window shelf looking at nature for hours…IT DOES NOT NEED NEWS…..but you can not do that for a few minutes….because you have to turn on news and find out how to “think today”….You need your fix of lies and still do not and can not accept that EVERYTHING YOUR TOLD IS A LIE.   True because you cat and dog prove to YOU….that there is a correct way of living that you are not in touch with. The SILENCE…..SILENCE is what the human mind experiences and calls nothing…But it is not NOTHING….IT IS EVERYTHING….IT IS THE GOD NATURE….in the Silence. 

The Intellectual thinking mind can not know Awareness…..that is why this is to hard to convey to people. Because all that they know as adults is mainly mind and thinking.That AWARE nature is always there…EVEN…when you are lost in mind and ideas and concepts and programed fears that run your life.ONLY one way out. “STOP IT!”….Stop doing “THINKING”….stop doing MIND. Then you get out of the matrix by creatinG some space and distance from your matrix that you worship and love. 

IT ain’t going to be easy for a LOST SINNER….which you are as compared to your cat or dog….because that is what you are “choosing”….GOD nature is not forcing you to be an “idiot”….”or a sinner”….YOU ARE. Because….GOD’S NATURE….YOU can have right now like your cat or dog has already. HOW are you kept out or the kingdom of Heaven? or how is SALVATION ever been lost or gone?….It has not”….Only you chose to be lost or gone instead? Your are not being kept out by any GOD?….but only by YOUR CHOICES of ignoring AWARENESS?




Who are you going to pray to to save you from mind? How could GOD answer such a prayer?  When the answer even your cat and dog have right now already but you can’t see it because you still think that you are a sinner? When your not….Thinking is what causes the illusion of “SIN”…because all of mind is just a tool to use while you rest in …”.AWARENESS”…Like all of Nature does already and right now.

So?…You can pray?…what’s the difference?…Go ahead….but your still going to be lost in the matrix of thinking and in mind until ….YOU DROP ALL THAT NOISE….because thinking and mind is just that….”NOISE”….Its the noise you can not handle without being a corded in the SILENCE OF GOD….which is the AWARENESS….THAT YOU ARE RIGHT NOW…

BE THERE!….or stay lost in the matrix. Your free will choice?….Maybe or may be not? You will not know of choise…”until”…. you try to escape the intellect and the mind matrix. Try and find out what you find out. You do not need my story….Your full of stories already. You need the real thing…..GET IT!


How Can Something Be Created From Nothing (

(4932) The Only Radical Teaching Is Silence – YouTube


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