
(Reader: Texastreeman) Intel Update, Part 2



Reader Post | By Texastreeman

Part 1:

Good Evening : Family

Ok as of back on the 1st of Feb. I told you we could be here sitting on events. 

Well others are saying that as well now. 

Am what I like to say. A professor with intel. 

Keeping notes over 18 years. You start to see key movements. Am not 100% correct, but it’s like looking at the stars patterns. Sometimes the stars move, so you have to move. 

Ok here we go.  Let’s put things together.




What are we seeing and waiting for!!

 Let’s say the Texas Border. Yes and No.  Yes it was a puzzle piece we needed to put together. 

Then why now the U.N.  calling for a military drill.( biggest they done ). 

President Putin said he’s coming for the U.N.   Clue piece number 1. 

Now this has to start and take them down. ( WHY ).  In playing chess you have to make your queen move.

Now the Queen is not safe. What is under the U.N. depts, If you are going to show the queen. You must expose her, so all can see. ( Dark to Light ) 

Now keep this move in back of your head for now. 




We had the border bill. Hhmm That was a crazy Bill.  You all should be calling for everyone heads in D.C.  both parties need to Go..

Hhmm Now is strong words. must GO..  wait I’ll come back to them. 

Now where and what step is next. Ok let’s go back a week. Remember chinese real estate firm going down. Judge order them to liquidity. 

Now to fill that to hit around the world it takes couple of days to week.  Now what does that cause.

Stock market will start to drop little by little not to alarm the public and cause a bank run. 

Now let’s jump over here.  I hope am not going to fast for you. 

A master painting takes time. This is what we are doing. making a picture. 

Now we have Iraq has Trust with us!  Do you blame them. I don’t ! 

 Look how evil we have been to the world. Look how the Treasury has burn so many bridges with the world. They stole the gold from the chinese elders. They lie to the world. 

But that was the old cabal ran Treasury. Now Iraq is using that timeline to get their country in order to be one of the ( TOP PLAYERS IN THE GAME.)  before they release their international rate. 




Now let’s wrap this up a little faster for you. I could go on step by step. you are tired reading. 

So let’s go to 7th we heard about and then the 11th the funds will be liquidity. Well under the old cabal treasury you had 72 hours to move the funds. We couldn’t hold on to them.  NOT UNDER THE QFS. The funds are safe sitting in the paymasters accts. Remember every person has a QFS acct and it’s unhackable !! 

So let’s move on. Ok we got the EBS alert coming on the 11th after the Superbowl. I think we said there will be 7 alerts. Right !! 

Ok ! I agree the first is and always plan to release the announcement of the Gold asset and the new USTN to the public. 

That piece is another chess move. You have to drop intel to the public what is coming. To what !!  ( SHOW THE QUEEN MORE.)   

Now we say more public announcements has to happen ! I agree so let’s move out 1 EBS per days for 7 days total. 

Now all public announcements has been made. NESARA, GESARA has been made public during that time.

Explaining debt forgiveness was one of the alerts as well. so forth and so forth. Do your research and you know what’s next. 

Now go back to D.C. PEOPLE. After the announcement of Nesara, Gesara. They are gone..gone.. 

AWE !! 18th. lucky number 18. The chinese loves 8 we’ve been told. But, But you are asking !! I hear you.




When are we going to the bank. Hold your horses… This master painting is almost done.

 What is the 19th !!  That’s right !! 




Now think of everything I told you. I told you in part 1.  We could be sitting till middle of the month to the end of the month. 

Why did I say that !! Hhmm 

Maybe because we have till the 20th of March to take out the USD. 

Now your COMMANDER of CHIEF ( TRUMP )  has giving the world announcements.

Now as of Feb 20th. President Trump can bring forth all we announce.




Oh wait !!  You are asking ( HOW, WHY, ) those dates, times.

Well while you been watching over to the left. On the right side of the movie.

We allow President Putin take down the U.N. and all the evil depts. all got exposed during that time.

What happens to your Queen.  She falls.  Cabal U.N. , Cabal puppet Biden is exposed . He’s out. 

Now let’s look over to Iraq now. They see the battle field has been clear. The Announcements has been done. 

What’s that you said !! 


Our timeline is in honor of our President Trump.

The Battle field is clear and war is over. Now I may be off a day or two on my intel. Just wait and see.

I know.. I know.. You are asking !!  





Oh see while you was watching all the events and waiting for the next EBS announcements. 

We had our ( PRIVATE ANNOUNCEMENTS ) of the GCR/ RV. 

Now go back to the 11th. count to the 19th. ( 8 days ).  oh there is the number 8 again !!   and they said 8 to 10 days to exchange. oh wait that takes us to the 20th.



Thanks for reading.  TRUST THE PLAN. 

We had to put all the chess pieces in play to show the QUEEN to the world.  SO WE COULD GO INTO GESARA for the world. 

Thank you for waiting till the 20th.


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