
FOIA Request for all Info for Republic Denial



Source: Operation Disclosure Official | By Danlboon, Contributing Writer

Submitted on January 27, 2024

FOIA Request for ALL Info for Republic Denial

This is where ALL information pertaining to the Republic Denial and brought forth as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. be placed per a FOIA Request onto a website and in public buildings from the year 1776 on from all levels of government and their agencies and those involved.

This is where ‘Removal’ may not cover everything, but ‘Denial’ includes which are the steps today for preventing We The People having it come back by the Treasonous actions by the government and others.

This is for All information that has brought We The People from the Republic to now the USA, INC. and that must be available for every people and nothing can be denied just because it was done by private people in the past and continues by their associates at this time, no matter if it is classified or not.

There should not have to be an individual FOIA Request for each specific documents, audio and video recordings, but one document made into law for anyone to ask for anything requested at that time and the government employees or private contractors cannot refuse or else they committed Treason for withholding criminal evidence per US and states’ Constitutions.

This is where the Emergency Broadcast System may not provide everything and the EBS is only via video or audio and not actual official documents for We The People to look over and fight it if neccessary in court, show the government or other party.

This is just the basics, but someone should get this idea out in writing and push for a law or Constitutional Amendment to be put in place and get everyone on the band wagon to get involved and make sure these things on the corruption of government and what Constitutions and Codes/Laws we are to comply with for this actual government and actual Freedoms of We The People from our USA Republic and not let things hanging where we are thrown in jail just because we ask for this FOIA Request information.




This is much more than those 1st Amendment auditors that many get arrested and some even criminally charged, as some videos have officers claim that the public property is owned by the city, county, state or federal governments and if they are true on that then stepping outside of our home we are then trespassing as those are private corporations paid for by us slaves with our tax dollars.

If ANY publicly accessible inside and outside public property can be viewed by the public without having cameras recording and no signs are posted pertaining to not recording then the people are not trespassing on private property. We The People are to know who each and every owner of that property is, every taxpayers name and not the government agency itself. Posted signs stating the code or agency policy that is viewable by the public for permitted recoding and then law enforcement is called for the trespassing of the people or be arrested then the law enforecment is in the wrong and the employee who called them, as in the USPS.

It is also known by the courts that if a person has their own inside property in public view with their windows and curtains open and people can see it from public property, the sidewalk, street or other property, then that is not a violation of the law. Drones however, cannot be lawful to view inside of personal space when they actually come within several feet of the building or your property.

This is a one hour video with much details on a video recording in a public building and the process for a FOIA/FOIL request by that the government believes can only be requested and used by government officials for which a lawsuit was filed by Daniel Warmus, thus the City of Lockport filed harrassment charges on the sole basis for filing a lawsuit against the City and the City lost the case:

LAWSUIT # 2 FILED! Charges DISMISSED! City of Lockport, NY Gets Smoked in Court!

Daniel Warmus was also in the Capital building on 6 Jan. 2021 and his charges were dismissed because the government could not go further to make a statement on shutting down We The People in violating their Constitutional Rights.

In the end you can see Daniel Warmus served the employees for the #2 lawsuit, but even the security denied them from filming just coming into the building, but they could film further into the building.






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