
Be Prepared for the Timeline



Source: Operation Disclosure Official | By Danlboon, Contributing Writer

Submitted on January 15, 2024

Be Prepared for Timeline

If the Emergency Broadcast System and/or the announcement of NESARA is to take place on a certain date then this is what the other dates things are to happen, and this is for if it starts in the next 30 days.

The announcement of NESARA should really be the first thing publicly mentioned and not somewhere in the middle of the EBS, then all these other things should be in a certain order with their own timeline once it begins.

This is my perspective of what is to happen according to what others have brought up in the past, yet they never happened but should be soon.

So called facts:

1. Public announcement of NESARA, giving the details
2. The EBS is for 10 full days
3. The USA Republic Elections are up to 120 days, no more, of the public announcement of NESARA and not to selective groups already notified of it
4. United States Notes available and should be exchangeable with the FRN for 180 days and not just worthless after 20 Feb.
5. Access to your QFS Account – 18 years and older
6. NESARA payouts of $100,000 monthly – 18 years and older
7. Social Security monthly benefits increases
8. USA Republic officials take office within 30 days after election

The EBS shutdown should not last 2 to 3 weeks as that would destroy America, and Trump and the White Hats should not prove a point for America to wake up or else Trump is then NOT going to be elected if this happens as he is presently in charge as Commander-in-Chief.

Nor are We The People to wait 30, 60, 90 days or more to finally receive what has been taken from us for the last 110 plus years.

All access to your QFS Account, NESARA payouts, SSI benefits increases and United States Notes should come beginning the first business day after the EBS ends, but it may be set on when you are to begin receiving them, as like with the SSI benefits set on a certain day of the month. We should not wait till the next month if the EBS came during when we are to receive our present SSI benefits as then we could be in dire needs at that time.




SSI benefits should not just be tossed in with the “Restitution and Reclamation (R&R) payments” just because the Social Security Administration is shut down and now we must comply with those rules and regulations as if we are younger in age and can work or else we get nothing for what we paid into it already. This is where the USA Republic will ban ALL government handouts. Restitution is not the same as Handouts.

I can see now that of certain reports of people having their debts cleared and receiving their SSI benefits increases early, but that maybe only a test and not based on for selected individuals.

This is if the elections are still on a Tuesday.

If NESARA is announced from Mon. 15 Jan. thru to Sun. 21 Jan. and the EBS begins at midnight EST then it ends 10 days later at midnight EST Thurs. 25 Jan. thru to Wed. 31 Jan. with the USA Republic Elections being on Tues. 14 May, 120 – 114 days.

This would not be the best for Mon. 15 Jan. as we have already had a 3 day weekend with no banking and then the banks may not open till Mon. 29 Jan., 16 days of no banking and no cashing of payroll checks with bills due now.

If NESARA is announced from Mon. 22 Jan. thru to Sun. 28 Jan. and the EBS begins at midnight EST then it ends 10 days later at midnight EST Thurs. 1 Feb. thru to Wed. 7 Feb. with the USA Republic Elections still being on Tues. 21 May.

For this prior timeline and the next I will be up a creek as I am to receive my SSI benefits on one of the last few days of the month, but then I may not receive it for another 4 weeks or not receive it at all as the Republic just may cancel mine as I’m not employed.




If NESARA is announced from Mon. 29 Jan. thru to Sun. 4 Feb. and the EBS begins at midnight EST then it ends 10 days later at midnight EST Thurs. 8 Feb. thru to Wed. 14 Feb. with the USA Republic Elections still being on Tues. 28 May.

Either this prior timeline and the next may postpone the 2024 Super Bowl game Sun. 11 Feb. or cancel it all together and many will not like that.

If NESARA is announced from Mon. 5 Feb. thru to Sun. 11 Feb. and the EBS begins at midnight EST then it ends 10 days later at midnight EST Thurs. 15 Feb. thru to Wed. 21 Feb. with the USA Republic Elections still being on Tues. 4 Jun.!

If NESARA is announced from Mon. 12 Feb. thru to Sun. 18 Feb. and the EBS begins at midnight EST then it ends 10 days later at midnight EST Thurs. 22 Feb. thru to Wed. 28 Feb. with the USA Republic Elections still being on Tues. 11 Jun.!

Let’s say this prior timeline happens then your FRNs are worthless during the EBS, yet the USNs may still not be available. You are up a creek as the USA Republic Treasury did not want to comply with the NESARA Law of SIX months of exchange for the FRN to the USN.

It is best for the EBS to begin on Friday or Saturday morning and end 10 days later Monday or Tuesday morning with two weekends included and them not stuck at either end to extend it further as the banks are closed then.



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