
FBI Arrests Cromar, IRS Confiscates his Home After he Proved in Court he Owed Nothing



Where’s The Crime? FBI Arrests Cromar, IRS Confiscates His Home After He Proved in Court He Owed No Monies

By Judy Byington as published in Before It’s News: Where’s The Crime? FBI Arrests Cromar, IRS Confiscates His Home After He Proved in Court He Owed No Monies. | Crime All-Stars | Before It’s News (

On Wed. 30 Aug. around 4:00 pm a Department of Justice’s Gestapo composed of 11 plain clothes FBI and Treasury Agents in ten cars showed up in Wyoming to arrest Ken Cromar of the “Ken and Barbie vs. Goliath IRS Case.”

After proving to a federal tax court that the Cromars owed no monies to the IRS, SWAT teams had descended on their fully paid for home and confiscated it, throwing away all their personal possessions including expensive camera equipment Ken used to make a living.

In five years of unsuccessful court filings since while trying to seek justice and now his arrest, Ken was still asking, “What is my crime?” 

He was transported to the Weber County jail in Ogden Utah and the next morning taken to the Salt Lake County jail. He was not released on bail and was likely to remain in jail for some time.

Now, why is the FBI involved in a IRS case? Why is the Treasury Department involved? Why did ten cars of FBI and US Treasury agents descend on and arrest a retired patriot who has not committed a crime? Why did twice 75 men SWAT teams descend on the Cromars and take away their fully paid for home after they had proven to a federal tax court that they owed no monies to the IRS?

Now they have arrested brave Patriot Ken Cromar for no foreseen reason, other than to set an example of how brutal the IRS can be.





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