
The Federal Reserve was Created Just in Time for War World 1



Source: Operation Disclosure Official | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer

Submitted on July 7, 2023


Compliments of the Lifschultz Organization, Founded in 1899

The US Federal Reserve System was set up on December 23, 1913 on Baron Eduard de Rothschild’s orders just in time for World War One as planned. The US reaped a tremendous amount of sales and profits on sales of munitions to England and France in World War One which required credit as England and France used up their reserves as anticipated.  The representatives from the Rothschild bank and the representatives of their subordinate banker J. P. Morgan had meetings with President Woodrow Wilson in 1915 to lend money to the British and French to pay for the munitions that these two countries were purchasing. These war sales by what were later called the merchants of death had a very stimulative effect on the US economy also cited as a justification of the loans. Huge profits were being made and American industry reinvested in more factories to handle the order surpassing England’s GDP in 1916 to become the greatest industrial power in the world. These large loans were approved as the sale of these munitions were considered very important to our exports but were opposed by Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan who said these loans violated our proclamation of neutrality and would drag us into the war but was overruled. Bryan resigned and he was right. The US sold Britain and France 7 billion dollars in goods for the war which is 700 billion dollars in today’s dollar. The overall cost of World War One was a hundred billion dollars or a ten trillion dollars in today’s money. The US spent 32 billion dollars on its participation in the war so we spent 32 billion dollars (3.2 trillion in todays dollar) to protect our seven billion dollars or 700 billion dollars in today’s dollars in sales. That would not be good business and the business of America is business. Or so we might think. (Source for this paragraph is the “The Devil’s Theory of War” by Charles A. Beard, though this information is not a theory. He was the most prominent historian in America at the time.)

The actual US declaration of war against Germany in World War One was a deal between the British Government and Baron Eduard de Rothschild trading Palestine for a US declaration of war against Germany and that was called the Balfour Declaration.  General Ludendorff in his “Memoirs” called this an act of genius and he wished he had thought of it as Palestine at the time was under the control of his ally Turkey. Ludendorff wished he had done the deal as it cost him the war. The actual control of the world was not in governments themselves but in the supranational banker Rothschild through his control of the central banks.

A little history of this point is illustrative.

Prince Otto von Bismarck starts this outline of history below:




“Americans are a very lucky people. They are bordered to the north and south by weak neighbors, and to the east and west by fish.  You are so happily placed in America that you need fear no wars.  What always seemed so sad to me about your last great war (US Civil War) was that you were fighting your own people. That is always so terrible in wars, so hard.  The division of the United States into two federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War by the high financial power of Europe. These Bankers were afraid that the United States, if they remained in one block & as one Nation, would attain economical & financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over the world. The voices of the Rothschilds dominated. They foresaw the tremendous booty if they could substitute two feeble democracies, indebted to the Financiers. Therefore they started their emissaries in order to exploit the question of slavery & thus dig an abyss between the two parts of the Republic.”  

In other words, we have a moat in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans so it was safe from Europe and Asia unless Rothschild has it did started the Civil War.

It is important to note that the homosexual Abraham Lincoln had no interest in blacks and wanted them sent back to Africa. He emancipated them only so that it could undermine the southern farms where the young white men were in the Confederate Army and blacks were maintaining the farms. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation only to undermine the southern war effort. Had he lived they would have been sent back to Africa as he hated blacks. This might have been a reason for his assassination as this pool of slave labor as is the case with today’s immigrants were desired to be sued by the the financiers and industrialists who did not give a damn about the Anglo-Saxon American people. Today there is a reign of terror in the cities and the country from these and immigrants.

The Rothschilds connections to the US were originally conducted by August Belmont but later they switched to Peabody Morgan (Junius Morgan) in London and they controlled the US through this agent later called J. P. Morgan and Company.

In preparation for World War One that Baron Eduard de Rothschild set up the Federal Reserve as indicated above. Baron Eduard de Rothschild set up World War One to rid himself of the Tsar and World War Two to rid himself of Hitler. I covered it in the link below. I worked with the Rothschilds and they asked me to write the Volcker Plan. He followed his orders. Volcker was a good egg.

You cannot even begin to write an authentic history as none of the information is available. The link is based on conversations with the Rothschilds.

I worked with the Rothschilds in a number of crisis in the United States as follows. I was asked to help out based on my understanding of the central bank system and I recount some of that history below.




The manner in which I reversed the crash in 1987 is written under the section “Stochastic Control Theory” in the next link.

That rig in 1987 was handled with ease under my supervision but was next visited in 2008 when I was out of of pocket. I presented a plan for this recovery as I had done successfully in 1987 which rescue was under my direct supervision but in 2008 I was involved in another emergency so I could not supervise it.  The rescue was handled ineptly and when the US neared catastrophe it was forced to issue 29 trillion dollars in lending not shown on the Federal Reserve books to rescue the system. This proved the saying that he who hesitates is lost as they delayed the implementation of my plan.

When love once please admission to our hearts

(In spite of all the virtue we can boast)

The woman that deliberates is lost.

You will notice that the 29 trillion in 2008 is not reflected in the chart. If you call a Fed official he will tell you that the 27 trillion was in and out the same day for every day which is, of course, patently absurd.

Recent balance sheet trends

Footnote One:

Now what gave Rothschild his power?

As for Emperor Nicholas II, while in France at a reception with the President of the republic, Baron Eduard Rothschild approached him and offered to redeem all Russia’s debts to France. In response, Russia would have to allow usury on its territory (in the Russian Empire, usury was a crime and was punished by law, our tsar refused, citing the fact that Russians are too gullible in these matters and will very quickly find themselves in financial bondage with usurers. Going outside, he told his closest assistant about this conversation with Rothschild and said: “I just signed my own death warrant.”




American poor are in hock to the bank credit cards for humongous sums at 25% interest though the costs to the banks for borrowings were about 1%. Where are the Democrats now to serve their constituency that they gave the shaft as the basket of deplorables to quote Hilary.

It was usury that gave the Rothschild family power. The purpose of trotting out Galileo over four centuries ago was not just some academic exercise. If the Bible could be disproven, then usury can be justified as licit despite Aristotle’s analysis that it was against nature. What Aristotle was saying is that if you have 244,000 tons of gold in the world lent out at 10% for one year, then the interest and principal is 24,400 ounces in interest or usury and 244,000 tons of gold or 268,400 tons in combination. The problem is that only the 244,000 tons of gold exists. That is what being against nature means. It also means that it cannot work which is the reason that all gold currencies based on usury eventually become fiat money. The fiat money eventually returns to its intrinsic value of zero as their gold base shrinks to next to nothing if not nothing.

J. W. von Goethe put it this way in his Faust Part Two:

i am fed up with this endless how and when,

if there is no money let us make it then.

This is transubstantiation alright! Only it is secular and not spiritual as in the Catholic doctrine which elevates its followers spiritually. It is the modern man who is so superstitious so as to become a real fool.

Now, if the Bible was disproven at least that angle is taken care of. So Galileo postulates that the earth moves around the sun. He can’t prove it and it was never proven. You have an appearance of relative motion which are equal mathematically but does not prove the motion of the earth or the motion of the sun.  

Yet Galileo’s moving earth around the sun was promoted to free the world of the prohibition of usury and whoever opposed Galileo was considered an uneducated dolt. On this basis usury started to proliferate as the usurers as Shylock (Rothschild) took control of the world. And science was considered superior to the Bible. In Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice” Shylock creates a loan to Signor Antonio that he forfeits his life if he does not repay the loan, and Shylock wants him to default as he seeks his death as he interferes with his business. He could not based on Christian principles in the Old Testament that loans cannot be repaid with interest or usury. Then, the new Shylocks invented monetary transubstantiation in that the paper money that did not have the gold behind it became a value in itself or as Marx wrote it became the jealous god of money. So now Shylock not only had the gold but a money or paper money that was as good as gold earning interest that did not exist in reality as gold. A new religion was formed which was the worship of imaginary fiat money as God to paraphrase Marx as it became the jealous God of money. Rothschild or Shylock now controlled the entire world.

Here is Galileo analyzed based on modern science in collaboration with the physicist John Archibald Wheeler and myself:

Today we have proof of geocentricity in that the earth has been proven to not travel around the sun as it does not move at all according the the interferometer experiments of Michaelson-Morely who could not measure the aether resistance of the motion of the earth around the sun. It was a long established belief in science that in order for the light to travel from the sun to the earth it had to be carried by the aether just as sound is carried by the air on the earth. If the earth moved around the sun it could be measured by the aether resistance that the interferometer was designed to measure. The interferometer measured zero resistance proving the earth did not move.  Einstein then made the revolutionary pronouncement that there was no aether based on Michaelson-Morley which meant that the light traveled without a medium of transmission which was theoretically impossible.  




This was latter refuted by Georges Sagnac by using the same interferometer to measure the rotation of the aether moving around the earth with the stars, sun, etc. which was called the Sagnac Effect. He measured that rotation by the aether around the earth in about 24 hours by its resistance thus proving the aether was there. This meant that Michaelson-Morely had absolutely proven the earth did not move around the sun as there was no aether resistance to the alleged motion of the earth around the sun. Galileo was proven wrong. This still leaves open the relativity question as to whether what Georges Sagnac had measured was the earth’s rotation or that of the aether itself moving around the earth with the sun, stars, etc. but it did decisively prove the earth did not move around the sun. I conducted my work on this subject in collaboration the physicist John Archibald Wheeler who totally agreed with these findings. John Wheeler and I then asked NASA to launch a satellite with the interferometer in it to validate these findings as they relate to the Sagnac experiment but they refused to spend the money. Here our desire was to prove that the earth did not rotate on its axis.

In the interest of being purely objective, I circulated the above paragraph to my Nobel Prize winning friends and here is the reply of Arno Penzias:

“M&M began the modern investigation of light, but had no way of

detecting the quantum properties of space. This is very heavy stuff,

that I don’t pretend to understand completely.” Arno Penzias.

Here is a write-up on Arno Penzias

Below is a write-up on John Archibald Wheeler

John Archibald Wheeler

David Lifschultz





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