
What about the Children?



Source: Operation Disclosure Official | By Suzette York, Guest Writer

Submitted on July 1, 2023

Once upon a time, I asked in prayer, “Father, what can I do to be proactive in this fight against evil and to save our country?” I immediately rephrased that question to, “Father, what is it that You would have me do in this fight against evil and to save our country?” I was calm, I was quiet, I listened, and I began to write what I call my prose to wake up the masses!

What About the Children ~ it is a journey, an in-depth inquisitive faux interview with the captured children. It’s also an informative glimpse of their reality and atrocities in hopes of waking up the Sleepers or those too busy with life to stop and listen to the truth – I call them Roadrunners!

What About the Children ~ is a promise to the children, a message of gratitude to all the brave warriors fighting the battle, and to praise and pay homage to President Trump. Lastly, the sharing of pure joy and uplifting hope awaits all mankind.


By Suzette York

PREFACE: We hear about child trafficking; We hear of the children’s captivity and their repugnant abuse… We fleetingly say to ourselves, this is so awful, so tragic; We offer a quick prayer and then go on with our hectic lives…





Let’s really delve deeper into their little reality. Stop, calm your mind, open your heart, pray for discernment, and then receive and internalize what you’re about to read…


Shhh, listen, do you hear them?
Close your eyes… Do you hear them now?

Wake up! Focus!

What about now?

You still don’t hear them frantically crying out for help? Screaming from within the massive network of underground tunnels that exist worldwide and, perhaps, even in your neighborhood.




I hear them, for I am aware – I am awake! It’s deafening. I can’t help but wonder about the children. We cannot even begin to know what depraved cruelty and harshness they endure. So, we need to prayerfully ponder, and let’s imagine we’re in the tunnels with them and let’s ask them. However, first, we need to differentiate between those children born within this pernicious abyss and those who were suddenly and unexpectedly thrust into this hell after being abducted from their families.

What about the children? Can they make it on their own? Do they feel or know something’s missing in their world that’s so forlorn?

What about the children? Will they make it on their own as they ascend out of the darkness into a world that some have never known?

Let’s talk to the children; some never see the light of day — no one to encourage, guide, or love them, as they stumbled along their way.

No schools do they attend, no learning, no laughter, nor even play. And when nighttime falls, and bedtime is near, there is no one to listen to their innocent prayers, read them a story, or tuck them snugly into bed, gently whispering goodnight, sweet dreams, with an endearing kiss upon their head.

Hey, you adorable babies, you’ve learned to crawl and walk on your own — no one to lovingly guide you as you take your first steps all alone. And as you awake from your frightening nightmare, there is no one to cradle you in their arms, to gently rock you or softly sing you a lullaby, or soothe and comfort you late into the night. Sadly, your cries are never heard.

And you, little guy, I’m wondering… have you ever thrown a ball, run around the bases, ridden a bicycle, gone swimming, or just hugged a soft teddy bear? Have you ever played at the seashore, built a sandcastle, flown a kite, or heard of the tooth fairy? Have you ever had popcorn? Do you know your ABCs? Do you have a favorite blankie? Does it have images of frogs all over it?

Look at you, sweet princess… Do you have a favorite doll? I bet her name is Suzi-Q! Do you dress her up and comb her hair to make her all pretty-pretty? Have you ever had a tea party or made cookies out of Play-Doh? Do you know what bubble gum is? I just know you could blow giant bubbles! How about cocoa with marshmallows or s’mores by a campfire? Have you ever played hopscotch or made cartwheels? Can you count to the magical number 17? Do you ever dance around and sing? 

Have you ever petted a dog, held a kitten, ridden a pony, or celebrated your birthday with a party? Have you ever been given a present? Have you colored with crayons, scratched your fingernails across a chalkboard, put together a puzzle, or played jump rope or dodgeball? Have you ever played hide and seek within these vast, dark tunnels?

When you fall and skin your knees, does anyone pick you up, give you a big comforting hug, wipe away your tears and tell you, “You’re okay,” and make your boo-boo “all better” with a kiss?




Hmmm, let me ask; since it is always dark in these tunnels, do you even know that there is daytime where there is no darkness? Do you know there’s a hot yellow sun, white fluffy clouds, a glowing moon, or twinkling stars? Do you know what rain is? What about snow? Have you ever seen a ladybug, a hummingbird, or a butterfly? They like flowers and trees. Do you know what they are?

Tell me, adoring ones, has anyone ever told you, “I love you”? Do you even know the meaning of the word LOVE? Do you have a bestie? Can you keep a secret? Have you ever made a pinky promise? Or have you ever closed your eyes, made a wish, and then blown the seeds off a Dandelion? Have you ever seen a Buttercup reflect yellow under your chin?

What about the children, millions of vanished children? Their families are shattered, their dreams destroyed, and their innocence is stolen. Tragically, their new reality is to dwell within cavernous tunnels, absent of love, in unspeakably cruel, desolate, and satanic darkness.

What about our cherished babies? Oh, literally millions and millions of fragile, adorable babies – DEAD! I am confident the veil is removed, and their sweet, pure little spirits miraculously leave their fragile bodies as they are gently lifted into our Heavenly Father’s loving arms. They are made perfect again in His presence, and their small souls are filled with joy and love. Hence, they forever escape the anguish of torturous pain as their tiny physical bodies are being brutalized and sexually abused, murdered, mutilated, and unfathomably consumed!

And what becomes of the children that live? They endure endless days, months, and years, wallowing in the frigid cold and wickedness of the desolate underground world. Some grow up as prisoner slaves, spawning multiple generations of the same, all destined for a pathetically hopeless life. The never-ending cycle continues decade after decade, along with the vicious and brutal beatings, torture, sexual abuse, and starvation by their heartless captors, the evil and soulless pedophiles of the demented Luciferian cult. Do their young souls even know or feel dreaded fear? Does hope ever pierce their thoughts? Do they ever ponder or wish for a merciful death? Are they capable of feeling empathy? Or do they live a hollow, robotic, zombie-like existence?

Oh, children, our cherished children, no matter your age… We are joyous when we learn that more and more of you are being rescued from the worldwide D.U.M.B.S.  But astonishingly, we also know that many beloved children are still being abducted with every passing minute! Please know that as awareness permeates within every living human soul, society will finally WAKE UP, and we will gather as one united force. We will raise our voices and ensure this cult of abhorrent and vile evilness never roams our planet again. There is nothing that will stop us…

Our stellar and relentless military forces continue to arrest the rich and powerful evildoers, halting their self-indulgent and obsessive use of Adrenochrome, which is extracted from the Pineal Gland of terrorized children. Are these the gruesome and unrelenting screams I heard?

Ironically, when one engages in self-reflection to bring about the positive energy of change and personal growth, one usually studies their reflection in the mirror, searches deep within, and comes away with an instinctive conclusion — to make a difference on the outside, I must first start to make a change from within. However, those soulless sociopaths are incapable of this type of reflection, as they endlessly hunger to consume the drained blood of diabolically tortured, abducted, or harvested babies. The only reflection they seek from their mirror is the outer shell of themselves as they marvel at their refreshed, youthful appearance! Unfortunately, their beauty only runs skin deep, as they are void of all internal meaningful consciousness, integrity, or virtue!

Hopefully, for those of you who have been rescued, your eyes have adjusted to the sun’s effulgent light as you emerged from the darkness. And as you breathed in the fresh air of freedom, you either felt the cold briskness of winter upon your cheeks or the warmth of the sun upon your face; you most certainly embraced the radiant light of God and the goodness in our world. So many of you have just experienced a rebirth or new beginning as you stepped foot for the first time upon our soil, our homeland – and now – your homeland! Some of you have been reunited with your loving and grateful families.

But for those who’ve only known life underground, We, the People, promise to open our hearts to YOU. We promise to protect YOU. We promise to comfort and love YOU. We promise to listen to YOU, read to YOU, teach YOU, cry with YOU – if need be, and laugh with YOU – oh yes, laughter, lots of laughter! We promise to feed and clothe YOU. We promise to explore YOUR new and wondrous world with YOU. As we walk together with YOU on your healing and adventurous path, there are no limitations or boundaries!




Oh, our beloved children, you’ve been rescued and continue to be rescued into a world you’ve never known. At an optimal time, if not already, you will be welcomed into a nurturing and loving home. You will learn about the vast Universe, faith, gratitude, hope, trust, and praying to our Heavenly Father. You will celebrate your new life and embrace the joy of being part of a family!

You will learn about our glorious Republic and the continuing perseverance of our relentless, resilient, and courageous military — those who’ve spent decades masterfully and methodically planning for this flawless mission. You will learn about those men and women who’ve skillfully and heroically executed hundreds of thousands of missions to rescue you and others from evil. You will also be told that, tragically, some of those brave warriors sacrificed their lives for this mission. Our endless gratitude and love for them and their families is forever imprinted upon our hearts.

You will also be told about the worldwide brigade of “Digital Warriors” who broadcast on social media and devote themselves to “waking up,” educating, informing, and encouraging the people to take back their government. They continuously hold our hand throughout this complex and sometimes bewildering ordeal, helping us understand everything and guiding us to the TRUTH! All the while expounding, “Don’t take my word for it, do your own research!”

Remember this – it’s always been about Godliness vs. Evil. We are on the right side of God – we are winning, and some would even say we’ve already won this battle for humanity.

You will most assuredly learn about the unprecedented dedication, brilliance, and genius of our Commander in Chief, President Donald John Trump. You will also be told how he and his family endure tremendous personal sacrifice, immense danger, and unbearable pain and disappointment, borne of lies and deception from those closest to them. And you will learn of President Trump’s great love for God, our country, and all people, especially you. You will also know that he is a great man of principle; he keeps his word and promises. So, it is no surprise that he never wavers from his commitment to making America great again. And above all, he and the military under his command saved you and will continue their mission to save and protect ALL the children, all of humanity, the world, and The Republic!

But most importantly, you will learn about our Heavenly Father and His Only Begotten Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. You will be told about His devoted ministering, righteousness, and service, along with the sacrifices and challenges He also endured in His lifetime. As you learn more about the Holy Spirit, you will better understand that your feelings of peace, comfort, and warmth come from Him. You will come to know in your heart that each child is very special and worth saving, for you are indeed a child of God. We hope you will feel within your soul that His love for you is endless, pure, unconditional, and all-encompassing.

Now, you may ask yourself, “If God really loves me, why did He allow these things to happen to me?” Please understand that while He may permit bad things to happen by allowing man his free agency, He doesn’t cause them. Satan’s minions follow the Satanic path to inflict pain and suffering, sorrow and disappointment, dishonesty and mistrust, vanity, greed, death, and destruction every time. Mankind needs to STOP acting on their evil impulses and choices, but instead follow our Savior’s path.

So, perhaps it is best not to blame God or become embittered but rather to ask Him to help us to understand these atrocities and to strengthen our faith with His love, mercy, and wisdom.  We can ask Him to assist us in working through these challenging times, so we can avoid complaining against Him. Even though He might not give us the complete answers we are looking for now, He can help us find comfort and a gradual understanding through reading the scriptures, meditation, and prayer. Then you must be ever so still and listen for God’s response and guidance. As all things will be revealed in due time…

But for now, it’s all about YOU! We, the People, want to welcome you to your beautiful new world, where you are a shining light! We love you!

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son. That whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” ~ John 3:16





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