
(Reader: FreeMom7) The Abuse of Law Frauds

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Reader Post | By FreeMom7

The Abuse of Law Frauds     

It is a subject little entertained, but the law can be abused to promote crime, and in many instances throughout history, it has been used for exactly such purposes. 

In ancient Babylon, it was the law that you had to have sex with a temple prostitute and pay your temple tax in order to be forgiven your sins, including late payments to the government.  You also had to sacrifice your first born by burning the baby alive in honor of Molloch (to avoid and control the results of their other laws requiring people to have sex, sex, and more sex of all kinds and for every occasion.) 

We tend not to think about the abuse of law, but we should do so, because our entire world suffers from this malady.  

 Throughout our investigations we have found England and Scotland at the bottom of the abuse of law in every place and venue we have studied; though it is often made to appear that “America” is the source of the malaise, it can be quickly determined that the actual problem source remains the malfeasance and misadministration of the Municipal Corporations in the District of Columbia — organizations that many Americans work for, but which are foreign in nature and alliance.   

 A deeper investigation reveals a universal pattern of England and Scotland working together to promote criminal activity, especially financial crimes, for the past two centuries, which roughly coincides with the Royal Family intermarriage with Scottish financiers, the law reforms of the Scottish Lord Mansfield, and the gigantic impersonation scheme launched by a Scottish commercial corporation merely calling itself “The United States of America” — Incorporated. 

 It was Scotland that chartered, hosted, and foisted off “The United States of America”— Incorporated, and its undisclosed “Corporate Constitution” in 1868, actions which allowed this Interloper to gain access to our credit via identity theft and impersonation of the lawful government, which was, of course, allowed by the colluding international banks.  




It was Scottish financiers who figured out how to legalize securitization in general  and particularly, securitization of living flesh via the process of impersonation and enfranchisement; they are the ones who found means to legalize any number of crimes from enforcement of private legal tender laws on the General Public, to hypothecation of debt on land, to substitution of private police forces for public peacekeeping forces, and so-called British “equity law” for American Common Law.  

  Far more than their English counterparts, Scottish barristers have been the main purveyors of confusions-at-law, split jurisdictions, and commingling of the Law of the Land with the Law of the Sea.  This has opened up opportunities for activities that have variously been described as “latching upon” and “seizing upon” property, especially when using claims of abandonment when in fact no such abandonment exists. ..

 We have discovered many instances where claims on abandonment have been used by commercial banks to seize upon undisclosed escrow accounts owed to Americans who have had their birthright estates unlawfully converted and waived and otherwise manipulated so as to promote exactly this kind of fraud. 

 This particular form of fraud occurs most often in the home mortgage arena where a mortgage owed by a former government entity gets sloughed off onto the unwitting current applicant, whose own credit and interest in the home is purloined to generate all the funds for the transaction, but who is then regarded as an “absentee landlord“. 

 The victims are not told the truth about the true nature of the mortgage as a prior debt owed on property held in a trust, nor is the nature of the transaction itself ever fully disclosed, nor is the end result of all this ever revealed — that is, that even after paying off approximately five times the total amount of the mortgage over the course of thirty years, the victim of this vicious scheme will still only be a tenant owed a “future lease-purchase agreement“. 

 The property held in trust cannot be sold until all debts and encumbrances are paid off and the trust is liquidated.  That accrual of government debt is the mortgage that the Buyer is paying off, but even when that is free and clear, there is no instruction given for reconveying the property out of the foreign trust, so it remains held in trust and the buyer/ homeowner remains a tenant of the trust, and all the victim gets for thirty years of hard work and maintenance is a “future” lease-purchase agreement at an undetermined time when new costs and encumbrances will accrue and apply.  

 That is, the victims pay off a mortgage for the British Monarch, who then promises another future arrangement —  a lease, with more payments attached. So the victim thinks that he owns the house he paid for five times over, but in fact, unless he reconveys it to the land and soil jurisdiction upon paying off the mortgage and secures his patent, more charges accrue against a future lease-purchase of the property from the trust and the whole process repeats. 




 The Buyer is in fact a Tenant, and once the mortgage is paid off, a future Leaseholder.  The Presumptive Lease continues to accrue charges from the “government” overseers and is not transferable, so when new people buy the same property, the process starts over from the beginning with a mortgage to pay off first, and then a presumptive lease, etc. 

 This is never disclosed to the Buyer, so this is a real estate racket benefiting the British Monarch and various crony organizations that provide titles and title insurance, bar association members who provide legal services, and of course, banks.  

 The victim of this scheme is also never told about the escrow account that will be set up in his name to receive back the funds recouped from his surplus credit.  His failure to collect the escrow account — one that he has never been told about — is interpreted as a gift to the bank, which claims the escrow funds as abandoned property.

 The absentee landlords in this country and other countries around the world that have been similarly defrauded, number in the hundreds of millions, simply because they aren’t aware that, thanks to registrations undertaken when they were babies, they were trafficked into foreign territorial  jurisdictions and have to take action to lawfully convert back to their birthright status before they are actually eligible to own land… 

Until then, the greedy British Monarch will be more than happy to act as their Public Trustee and keep all the land in his or her custody, keep the racket running, and show all the would-be landlords in America as “absentees”.  

 This secretive and unlawful conversion of their natural political status makes the American victims Subjects of the British Monarch, and also subjects them to foreign forms of law, deprives them of their property rights, and their constitutional guarantees — reduces them to paying off mortgages owed by the government custodians, and living as tenants on their own land — and this is all done by abuse of law and without a paying a penny to them for their merely presumed “voluntary” contribution of their assets to the British Territorial Public Trust.  

 All this purposeful self-interested legal chicanery and fraud results in unjust enrichment for the Perpetrators and crime against newborn babies  and is all foisted off as a law, or rather, an abuse of law, requiring the registration of newborns as property belonging to the British Territorial State-of-State franchises that have been substituting for our own State-of-State organizations ever since the Civil War. 

 The theme of sacrificing babies to Molloch is a primary part of the old Babylonian religion, and these practices and the underlying disrespect for life is condemned throughout The Bible. We do not have to look far to deduce that this ancient religion has once again reared its head.

 After seeing the weird processional ceremony at the London Olympics, which featured robed and hooded figures walking around the effigy of a dead baby in a coffin, and taking this white-collar genocide-on-paper of American babies for what it is worth, we conclude that this ancient evil has once again gained a foothold.

 Continued attempts to murder babies both in fact, via abortion, and on paper, has predictably resulted in disrespect for life, destruction of the family, the denigration of men and their role in the family, and an unnatural and often perverse fascination with sex of all kinds which we see reflected in various political movements. 




 None of this would be possible without the abuse of law and in this case, impersonation of living flesh as non-living corporate persons.  None of it would be possible without purposeful substitution of private law for Public Law.  None of it would be possible without crooked lawyers, bar attorneys, and judges profiting themselves from the abuse of the law. 

 We wish for the personage and barratry crimes to be prosecuted. 

 We wish for all registrations and similar public interest claims seeking to latch onto babies and their Good Names to be overturned pending hard proof that these babies are in fact wards of the state and not being supported by and cared for by their parents, and also hard evidence and proof that these babies, now adults, have waived their birthright estates under conditions of full disclosure.  

 We wish for an end to the abuse of law to promote unjust enrichment of courts, court officials, and governments

 We wish for an easy and effective means to report and prosecute these crimes against us, against our property interests and against humanity. 

 We wish for an effective means to require full disclosure of all contracts in all jurisdictions

 We wish for systemic cure of these fraud schemes such that people no longer have to search for decades to find the remedies required by law and deal with personage in the courts and self-interest in the government services industry. 

 We wish for an end to the human trafficking, identity theft, asset theft, and coercion promoted by these Municipal Corporations functioning as government service providers. 

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary,  The United States of America …  June 13th 2023  #4222  \\//

Via FreeMom7  Excerpted with emphasis- Love & Blessings for All – Truth can set one (& All!) Free when discovered & implemented Peacefully Lawfully, as each chooses for Highest Good of All     




When the court rules to liquidate all corporations {usurping pretend governments included} that have/ are harming people and our planet, worldwide Freedom ensues & we the People decide how we move forward in self-governance and abundance to clean up the Mess that has been created for One & All !!  No one can rebut Anna’s court informations, so they stand as Truth, Facts and evidence that Must be ruled upon in favor of the living people for Highest Good of All!  We have our Global Family Trade Bank & international affiliates charters and prepared so pre-paid credit cards can issue to those in recorded declared status & standing on the land and soil jurisdictions {out of the dead corp[se] matrix} when our funding is released and returned to our Federation of States for the people and 50 actual States of the Union, also for other countries re-establishing their self-governance peacefully & lawfully. 4 more information, participation, preparation, join our rescue mission:  Anna von Reitz & much more   J     

 One state example:   J in Session Now!        Join us 4 Freedom sake! 

all court informations already lawfully agreed to… need to be fully implemented by the people, for the people…


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