
Para Kas-Vetter: “Sòlance Voyage Gallery” and our Current Website will Soon Cease to Exist



Source: Operation Disclosure | By Para Kas-Vetter, Contributing Writer

Submitted on March 12, 2023

“Sòlance Voyage Gallery” and our current website will soon most likely cease to exist.

“A Monk flies me fast down a very steep High Hill or Mountain, so fast, I become so afraid and dizzy, and my body goes into a resistance as a defence mechanism to try to combat the impact I am feeling. However the impact on my body is not able to cope with the speed of the flight. Suddenly I realise the only way to overcome what I am experiencing is to simply release that emotion, to totally surrender, let go. I realise that I need to let go of that fear domain locked into to be able to experience Greater Heights. 

I fly outside of the domain of limitational fears.

The Monk wants to see if I am unconscious or aware, tests me by flying me upwards at extreme speed. I simply react neutral, completely surrendered and feeling thus, no pain or fear. Totally harmonious.”

Para Kas-Vetter

Dreamt on 24th of December 2017




Upon reading one of the journals of the year 2017 recently I came across a dream that I had of a Monk testing and showing me the importance of intuition and how to surrender at times when strongly guided to, to reach either greater heights or for reasons that are known at the time or known later. In that particular journal I see a very sacred document of pages that I had written to love ones years ago. It was in honour of our precious pet dog Zoe who was deeply loved and forever will be held dear in our hearts. Reading the story of how I met her and what happened to her that led to her fatal death, helped me to realise the importance of surrendering. Not out of cowardice but in being impeccably wise with the choices and decisions we make in life learnt from previous lessons.

Because of the sheer ignorance, arrogance, power greed, profit egocentric, and down right astounding negligence of certain vets, Zoe’s life was unjustifiably sacrificed.

What is intriguing about this true story is the significance of what fear does.

In the time of when Zoe was crossing over, the day before at one Vet clinic, the X-rays were not working and there were a lot of deep concerns in how the machine was being operated and handled. And yet they could find nothing wrong with her. Yet upon arriving back to our home where were were living at the time, she would go into agony again.

We made a decision to drive Zoe to a Holistic Vet and so arrangements were made to drive for hours to have Zoe attended to. That morning as we were preparing for the long drive to the Holistic Clinic, Otto felt this inexplicable feeling to stay home. I felt also strongly the same. And Zoe would do everything to show she just wanted to sit underneath a Rosemary bush and rest there. All three of us felt strongly to stay home and just focus, but instead out of our fear of Otto and myself it lead to the fatal death of Zoe.

As we were driving to see the Holistic Vet, urgency led us to take a different turn to reach the nearest conventional vet clinic. What Zoe was exposed to was both inhumane and despicable let alone the disgrace. The clinic tried to cover their actions with fraudulently creating a report of her death based on lies. We had the evidence and exposed them and led to credibility loss.

Was it that this had to occur to expose some of the vet clinics that were involved in malpractice?




What is interesting is after the disturbing complications at the vet and their misguided wisdom, clearly the clinic ought to not have been operating in the first place. But upon us then having to speed in the car to take her to the vet hospital what occurred moments before her final time on Earth, we lost our way to get to the vet hospital because of our delirious desperation and fear to have her saved, and upon finally finding the vet hospital not moments before reaching to the building entrance, the oxygen tank that ‘they’ connected Zoe to suddenly ran out of oxygen! At that same time the lights had turned red. Zoe was crossing over whilst I held her on my lap. We decided to just go though the lights.

They tried to resuscitate her but as much as she tried to return, in the end she could not return to life and that was the hardest day of our lives. It took us months and years to heal from it. Whilst investigations and reports were made exposing the vet industry at the same time. Only in recent times have we finally been able to come to terms with it all and finally let go truly deeply heal from the ordeal.

We were always in control of decisions to do with our health and our pets’ health. On that day though, our fear got the better of us……

“Time offers us opportunity to become wiser for our life lessons.” Innocent Heart Oracle.

The reason for this post is that we need to let the public know about what is about to occur regarding our precious “Sòlance Voyage Gallery” and our current website that has had recent changes since September 2022.

We are the founders, creators, and true parents of “Sòlance Voyage Gallery”.

Recently certain occurrences led us to have to finally having to stand back, and trust why and how things are to occur.

Although the tears flow, remarkably I accept this occurrence. Both of us do with positive contentment.

We are finally accepting that soon both “Sòlance Voyage Gallery” and our current website will soon most likely cease to exist.

With all of our Hearts we want to thank you all for so many reasons. Please take the time to embrace our precious website journey whilst it is still active.




Whatever occurs in these next few months, know that this part of our lives will forever hold dear to our hearts and in our memories. Very Special and Sacred.

All of our Love to ALL

Para and Otto and our beloved Maxi who has been a big part of this journey.


Witney Houston – I Will Always Love You. With Lyrics.

Para Kas-Vetter


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