
(Reader: C.J. Todd) My Take on Why the “Movie” is so Long and Drawn out



Reader Post | By C.J. Todd

Here is my take on Why “the movie” is so long and drawn out: It is long and drawn out…for a good reason. Humans only change when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of changing is part of it. The next part is we need these memories to be ingrained into our DNA. Let’s say the movie ended in 2021 or 2022. How long would humanity really remember the evil that controlled the world? the memories would die with us or our kids that were old enough to remember what happened and really be able to understand it. a few generations all memories would be gone of what happened and the evil would be able to take over again…history would repeat. Now let’s look at how long this has drawn out and how much pain it is causing people. These memories will be ingrained into our DNA to be passed down to our children, their children and so on. How long will this go? 100s of years, thousands of years….who knows. but this way it would be much harder for evil to take over our world again like it has. These memories may not be conscious, but within the unconscious minds of generations to come, they may not understand why that is (hopefully the white hats have true real history in our history books to teach future generations what really happened) but they will stand up and fight against evil instead of letting it take over again. It is painful for many with people dying when we have technologies to save them, people are struggling with health issues (I have my own health issues that I struggle with) and the belief systems around abundance, money, health, and everything else that we are programmed with do more harm than good. Unfortunately it has to be this way not just for our future, but the future of the Human race…Everyone on Terra.
Peace and Love!


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