
America – Reinhabited Republic



Source: Operation Disclosure Official | By Danlboon, Contributing Writer

Submitted on June 19, 2024

Watch these videos and look at this website to find out much about what is going on and how you can get involved with the already Republic for the united States of America.

Our Republic has been in stalemate from 1871 till 2010 when Timothy Turner was voted in as the USA Republic President, but later he was arrested by the FBI for his future crimes he ‘may’ commit to just shut him down. Now we have another USA Republic President in office and it is NOT DJ Trump.

We all need to have all the states and counties to be in proper Republic jurisdiction with their officials to make things work and not have Trump as CIC doing all of it as a dictator.

The Republic Restored: America Free Radio with Brooks Agnew
BrooksAgnew 1:58:25 hours

How to save America – Reinhabited Republic
sandy10m 37:52 minutes

Republic for the united States of America

Pass this around to get everyone involved in We The People getting things done and not just as what DJ Trump is telling us.






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