
(Reader: DeeDee McKay) Questions…



Reader Post | By DeeDee McKay

I haven’t posted in a while and actually took some time off from various websites.

Thought I would check back this week to see if anything has changed and nothing has…..

Here we are, and this is what I have found…..

Phil goes dark for weeks at a time now, but at least when he does post his posts are real and make sense.

Kerry is the only one standing up for us and wanting to know why this has taken so long and why nothing is being done.

SG repeats the same old song post after post.

Underground Patriot does the same as SG.




Juan, well he just can’t stop bring religion into it and never does answer a single question.  He keeps singing “2020, it’s not over…”  but guess what, it is over and we only have 5 months until the next election.  I dare him to get into an OPEN interview with Kerry.

Kimberly either can’t get it right, doesn’t really know what’s going on, doesn’t really want to help, or just wants to feel like she is part of this, but if she had all the power she claims she does, this whole mess would have been cleaned up with a long time ago.

Nino, well he’s Juan’s right hand guy so he will just go along with whatever Juan says.

Charlie, well I’m not sure he knows what day it is most of the time.

David, well he has a lot of knowledge and he is genuinely a good person, but can he just tell us what’s really going happen please, what the plan really is, or what he really does know?  I get it, he’s really too busy with his Aerospace thing.

Does anyone really know the truth?  Do any of you have the guts to stand up and tell us what’s going on?

I don’t what’s going on, that is why I am here but everyone else just keeps repeating what we already know and never tells us anything new.




Another week gone by, and really no new intel…..

Comments & Thoughts welcome!


DeeDee McKay


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