
Ariel (Prolotario1): Trump ‘We Want all the Remaining Bitcoin to be Made in the USA’




This implies they are basically done cleaning up the tunnels in the underground facilities under the 3 Gorges Dam. Where the largest Bitcoin mining was taking place.

Now it’s becoming clearer as to why he has endorsed this. Remember Bitcoin has been tied to human trafficking. You’ll find numerous reports confirming this. The Bitcoin server was under water where the main data center was. EO-13959 was for this. 70% of Bitcoin was controlled from there. Bitcoin will be flushed into Stellar as you can see with MBS project. Same for CTGX. This is connected to the CCP. Because in order for any cryptocurrency to become ISO-20022 Compliant it can not be connected to any blackmarket.

You have to understand the dark net has been using Bitcoin for covert transactions. People buy all sorts of things on the dark web that most people do not even know exist. So we are definitely coming to a convergence point here. Paper Electronic Digital Precious Metals All will be used in conjunction under one system. So something is going to come out of this announcement. Major corruption is being cleaned up. Blockchain will rule the day.


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